New Books by Robert Picirilli Published

Jun 14, 2017

Dr. Robert E. Picirilli, professor emeritus and former academic dean at Welch College, recently had two books published: Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards and Paul the Apostle: Missionary, Martyr, Theologian, according to Welch President Matt Pinson.

Free Will Revisited (Wipf and Stock) addresses the ever-present question of whether man has free will. Picirilli defines free will from worldview and biblical standpoints and then boldly addresses the opposing arguments of theologians Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Jonathan Edwards. Through careful analysis, Picirilli shows free will to be in full accord with scripture, from a nuanced Reformed Arminian perspective. He also summarizes the key differences between the Calvinistic and Arminian views on the doctrine of salvation.

“Free Will Revisited is a must-read book for those interested in the Calvinist-Arminian debate,” Pinson said. “In it we see Picirilli at his best, using his keen intellect and broad background in theology to reflect on the thought of the three best-known stalwarts of a non-libertarian approach to free will. The unique thing about his response to these thinkers is that he is much more ‘Reformed’ in his Arminianism than many proponents of libertarian free will (worlds apart from semi-Pelagianism), and this brings nuance to his critiques that will surprise many readers. As always, Picirilli writes in a clear, readable, and irenic manner that Calvinists and Arminians alike will find refreshing.”

Paul the Apostle (Moody) is a newly updated edition of Picirilli’s 1986 publication. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Paul’s life, ministry, and writings while striving to be accessible for the serious theology student.

Andreas Köstenberger, Senior Research Professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, in a foreword written for the new edition, said: “Appealingly and sensibly, Picirilli examines and surveys each of Paul’s letters in the context of his mission against the backdrop of the book of Acts. This gives the book an organic and intuitive feel, making it ideal as an introductory survey for college students or for personal study.”

Picirilli taught New Testament and philosophy at Welch College, where he is now professor emeritus and curator of the Free Will Baptist Historical Collection. He is author of Discipleship: The Expression of Saving Faith, Understanding Assurance & Salvation, and Grace, Faith, Free Will, as well as numerous other works and journal articles. Picirilli is also the editor of the Randall House Bible Commentary series.

Copies of Free Will Revisited and Paul the Apostle can be purchased through Wipf and Stock Publishers and Moody Publishers, respectively.