News Releases

Emma Guthrie Resigns as Welch Volleyball Coach

Emma Guthrie Resigns as Welch Volleyball Coach

For Immediate Release GALLATIN, TN—Welch College Athletic Director Greg Fawbush has announced that Emma Guthrie has resigned as the volleyball coach for Welch. Coach Guthrie has coached the Lady Flames for the past four seasons. She was a four-year starter...

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Rejoice! Ministry Team Announced

Rejoice! Ministry Team Announced

For Immediate Release GALLATIN, TN—The 2023–2024 Rejoice! Ministry Team has been selected, according to Daniel Webster, music director of the group. “After vocal and instrumental auditions and interviews, we have finalized selections for this year’s team,”...

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Matthew Barrett to Deliver Forlines Lectures November 9-10

Matthew Barrett to Deliver Forlines Lectures November 9-10

For Immediate Release GALLATIN, TN—Dr. Matthew Barrett, Professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, will deliver a series of guest lectures during the 2023 Leroy Forlines Lectures at Welch College, according to...

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Welch Enrollment Continues Its Post-COVID Recovery

Welch Enrollment Continues Its Post-COVID Recovery

For Immediate Release GALLATIN, TN—Welch College enrolled 393 students for its fall 2023 semester, slightly higher than last fall’s enrollment of 388, according to Matthew McAffee, Provost of Welch College. “These numbers signal continued institutional stability in...

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Welch College Announces Retirement of Mrs. Brenda Spruill

Welch College Announces Retirement of Mrs. Brenda Spruill

For Immediate ReleaseGALLATIN, TN—Mrs. Brenda Spruill, longstanding administrative assistant in the Business Office at Welch College, retired in June, according to Mr. Craig Mahler, vice president for Financial Affairs. Mrs. Spruill has served Welch College for...

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Welch College Press Publishes New Book, Christians in Culture

Welch College Press Publishes New Book, Christians in Culture

For Immediate Release Welch College Press Publishes New Book, Christians in Culture “I heartily commend this volume as one that will enable readers to think and live in an informed way, grounded in the redemptive work of Christ and the grandeur of our majestic and...

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Welch Rejoice! Ministry Team Announces 2023 Summer Tour

Welch Rejoice! Ministry Team Announces 2023 Summer Tour

GALLATIN, TN—The Welch College Rejoice! Ministry Team will begin their summer tour on Sunday, June 4, according to Todd Parrish, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The group will hold services in fourteen churches in six states during their...

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Welch Names Brandon Presley as Men’s Resident Director

Welch Names Brandon Presley as Men’s Resident Director

For Immediate Release Welch Names Brandon Presley as Men’s Resident Director GALLATIN, TN—Welch College has named Brandon Presley as Men’s Resident Director, according to Dr. Jon Forlines, Vice President for Student Services. “We are pleased to...

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Welch College Graduates 75 in Commencement Exercises

Welch College Graduates 75 in Commencement Exercises

For Immediate Release Welch College Graduates 75 in Commencement Exercises GALLATIN, TN—Welch College conferred degrees on 75 students, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. Commencement exercises were held in the Student Activities center. The gymnasium space was...

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Welch Divinity School Grants First M.Div. Degrees

Welch Divinity School Grants First M.Div. Degrees

For Immediate Release Welch Divinity School Grants First M.Div. Degrees GALLATIN, TN—Two years after its inception, Welch Divinity School celebrated its first two graduates, Dustin Walters and Joshua Hunter, according to Dr. Martin Sheldon, Director of Administration...

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Harry Reeder, Present with the Lord

Harry Reeder, Present with the Lord

Matthew Pinson Today one of my dearest friends passed from this life, Dr. Harry L. Reeder III, senior pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Reeder was killed in a tragic car accident this morning. He was a wonderful friend and supporter...

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