Office of the Provost

Mission of the Welch College Academic Office

To foster and support academic excellence in the education of Christian leaders. 

Goals of the Office of the Provost

  1. To foster objective evaluation, improvement, professional growth, and welfare of the faculty.
  2. To provide faculty capable of achieving Welch College’s mission.
  3. To contribute significantly to the development of academic excellence on campus.
  4. To contribute appropriately to the development of a clear and guiding vision for academic programs of the college, and thus for the college as an institution.

Intended Outcomes

  1. Excellence in classroom instruction will be evident.
  2. Graduates will demonstrate attainment of the general objectives of the college.
  3. Students, faculty, and administration will rate the services of the Provost and Registrar’s office as effective and efficient.
  4. Appropriate academic advising will be evident.
  5. Faculty salaries and benefits will increase.


Populi is Welch College’s digital student information management portal. All students have access to unofficial student transcripts, grade reports (including final grades), degree audits, class attendance, and schedules via their personal, secure login at Populi. Many course professors also use Populi to communicate via email, post information such as course syllabi or links to supplemental material, and to administer quizzes or threaded discussions. The Provost monitors student attendance and grades through Populi and sends periodic notices to students with excessive absences and/or low grades.

Do not delete

do not delete

How do I get a copy of my transcript?

Use the “Release of Information” form on the Registrar’s page.

How do I change my major?

Print the Program Change form found on the Academic Resources page, fill it out, have your advisor sign the form, and return the form to the Registrar’s office.

Note: Some courses you have already taken may no longer apply when you change your major.  Discuss this with your advisor and/or the Provost before making this significant change.

When/how can I drop or add a class?

The drop/add period is for five school days and begins on the first official day of class.  Students must complete and sign a “Drop/Add” form (copies in the Academic Office) and have their advisor to sign the form.  Return the form to the Academic Office for changes to be made officially.

Can I take a class off campus?

Welch College students who are pursuing a major here must fill out a “Special Course Permission Form” found on the Academic Resource page. The course you want to take at another accredited institution must be approved by the Provost before it may be considered part of your official coursework.  Transfer coursework must meet guidelines related to transfer credit, especially that 2/3 of the major must be taken in residence at Welch College and that no more than 12 of the final 60 hours may be taken elsewhere.

Will you accept my transfer courses?

Welch College accepts transfer credit from other regionally accredited institutions based on our Transfer of Credit Policies (see Welch College Catalog for more details).  Courses that are a part of the student’s chosen program of studies at Welch College and in which the student earned a grade of “C” (on a 4 point scale) will be accepted.  Remember that 2/3 of the major must be taken in residence at Welch College and that no more than 12 of the final 60 hours may be taken elsewhere.  If you have questions, please contact the Provost’s Office.

How will I know if classes are cancelled for emergencies such as inclement weather?

Welch College is a residential college therefore classes close only under dire circumstances.  Unless otherwise notified, students should assume that classes will meet.  All Welch College students are part of the EdConnect Emergency Notification system and will receive information about campus emergencies, closures, or weather-related emergencies.  If individual professors are unable to come to campus due to severe weather, students may be notified through Populi, Welch College’s digital Student Information System or by other means.  Students who cannot safely travel to the College should contact the professor, Student Services, or the Provost’s office.

Is Welch College accredited?

Yes. Welch College is regionally and nationally accredited. See the Accreditation page for more information.

Do you have tutoring available?

Welch College assigns volunteer, student tutors based on student request.  A “Tutoring Request Form” may be obtained from the Academic Office or from Student Services and should be completed and returned to the Assistant to the Provost or to the Vice President for Student Services.  A volunteer tutor will be assigned within two weeks.  The times, locations, and duration of tutoring are agreed upon by the volunteer tutor and the student who requests tutoring.

When is registration?

Registration dates are posted on the official Welch College Calendar.

What happens during registration?

During registration, students meet with their Advisor, Financial Aid and the Business Office, Student Services, Christian Service, the Registrar’s Office, and have yearbook pictures made.

We’re Here to Help!

Dr. Matthew McAfee - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Matthew McAffee

Provost | Dean, Welch Divinity School | Professor of Old Testament

Matthew Bracey - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Vice Provost for Academic Administration | Assistant Professor of Theology and Culture | Cross Country Coach

Mrs. Anna McAffee

Mrs. Anna McAffee


Mr. Nicolas Cruz

Mr. Nicolas Cruz

Academic Office Assistant