Worship Ministry
Apply Now!Develop a biblical philosophy of worship and sharpen the artistic skills necessary to be a leader of worship ministry in the local church.
Bachelor’s Degree in Worship Ministry
Career and Ministry Opportunities with a Worship Ministry Degree
While in today’s competitive job market a degree does not guarantee employment, here are some of the career paths that many professionals pursue with a degree in Worship Ministry:
- Church Music Minister
- Worship Leader
- Ordained Minister
- Church Musician
- College, Conservatory, or University Music Professor
- Private Instrument Teacher
- Band Director or Choral Director
- Music Program Director
Worship Ministry program at Welch College
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Bachelor of Science Degree: Major in Worship Ministry
This program will prepare the music student for a broader ministry in the area of music and worship. The program is not designed as a foundation for graduate studies. Specific objectives include those stated for the Biblical Studies Major and for the Arts and Sciences Core. The graduate of this program will be able to:
(1) Articulate a philosophy of worship ministry that is biblically based and philosophically sound;
(2) Evaluate the musical and spiritual needs of a congregation and develop a music and worship program that will meet those needs; and
(3) Integrate music and the arts with the total purpose of the church in its ministry goals.
Requirements: 124 hours (131 hours with recital), with a minimum of a C average (2.00 g.p.a.) overall and in each segment of the degree.
(1) Theological Studies Major, 46 hours:
- BIB 1011, 1031, 2032, 2062. Bible Survey, 10
- BIB 1100. Introduction to Biblical Studies, 2
- BIB 1250. Evangelism and Discipleship, 2
- BIB 2601. Biblical Interpretation, 3
- IDS 1902, 3101, 4101. Christianity, Culture, and Worldview, 6 (for content purposes, these courses are shared with the A/S Core)
- PHL 3602. Christian Philosophy, 3 (for content purposes, this course is shared with the A/S Core
- THE 3251. Systematic Theology I, 2
- THE 3301. Systematic Theology II, 3
- THE 3402. Systematic Theology III, 3
- THE 4032. Eschatology, 2
- THE 4253. Christian Worship, 3 (for content purposes, this course is shared with the Worship Ministry Major)
- BIB/THE 3000. electives, 4
- BIB 4000. electives, 3
(2) Arts and Sciences Core, 38 hours:
- BIO 1001, 1011. Systems in Biological Science and Lab, 4
- BUS 1150. Microcomputer Applications, 0
- ENG 1111, 1122. Grammar and Composition I, II, 6
- ENG 2111, 2122. Masterpieces of World Literature I, II, 6
- HIS 1011, 1022. History of Western Civilization I, II, 6
- IDS 1501. Leadership and Calling: Personal Development and Leadership Principles, 2
- IDS 2102. Foundations for Civic Engagement, 2
- MAT 1101. College Algebra, 3
- PHE 2100. Lifetime Fitness and PHE Activity Elective, 3
- SPE 1000. Fundamentals of Speech, 3
- SSC 3101. Marriage and Family, 3
(3) Worship Ministry Major, 40 hours:
   (a) Music, 23 hours:Â
- MUS 1011, 1022. Music Theory I, 6
- MUS 1111, 1122. Aural Theory I, 2
- MUS 2350 Private Voice, 2
- MUS 1630. Class Conducting, 1
- MUS 1271, 1282. Class Piano, 4 (students must pass proficiency based on one year or continue to enroll in piano until proficiency is passed)
- Ensembles, 8 (including MUS 2467. Orchestra or Instrumental Ensemble, MUS2700. Traveling Group Ensembles, and others)
   (b) Worship Ministry, 17 hours
- WMN 4205. Music and Worship Technology, 2
- MUS 2650. Private Conducting, 2 (two semesters, waived for students taking Recital option)
- MUS 3266. Choral and Instrumental Conducting for Worship, 2
- MUS 4407. Worship Music Ministry Internship, 1
- MIN 1011. Local Church and World Missions, 2
- MIN 2336. Church Growth: Theory and Practice, 3
- MIN 3011. Christian Ministry, 3
- MIN 4907. Research Project in Ministry Studies, 2 (appropriate music ministry topic)
Recital Option: Add Applied Music in Piano, Vocal, or Instrumental, 8 hours; and MUS 4447. Senior Recital, 1 hour, for a total of 9 additional hours. If this option is taken though, students may waive MUS2650. Private Conducting, 2 hours, bringing the total additional hours for the Recital Option to 7 hours.Â
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