Worship Ministry

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Develop a biblical philosophy of worship and sharpen the artistic skills necessary to be a leader of worship ministry in the local church.

Bachelor’s Degree in Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry degree at Welch College is designed to engage students in the study of Christian worship.  This program assists students in developing a biblical philosophy of worship and in gaining the artistic skills necessary to be a leader of worship in the local church. Upon completion, you will be equipped with the skills to be a well-rounded musician and strong music ministry leader.

Welch College’s musical training is practical and broad – offering opportunities to develop performance skills in voice, piano, organ, guitar or other instruments as well as receiving a solid foundation in a wide variety of musical styles.

Career and Ministry Opportunities with a Worship Ministry Degree

While in today’s competitive job market a degree does not guarantee employment, here are some of the career paths that many professionals pursue with a degree in Worship Ministry:

  • Church Music Minister
  • Worship Leader
  • Ordained Minister
  • Church Musician
  • College, Conservatory, or University Music Professor
  • Private Instrument Teacher
  • Band Director or Choral Director
  • Music Program Director

Worship Ministry program at Welch College

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Bachelor of Science Degree: Major in Worship Ministry

This program will prepare the music student for a broader ministry in the area of music and worship. The program is not designed as a foundation for graduate studies. Specific objectives include those stated for the Biblical Studies Major and for the Arts and Sciences Core. The graduate of this program will be able to:

(1) Articulate a philosophy of worship ministry that is biblically based and philosophically sound;

(2) Evaluate the musical and spiritual needs of a congregation and develop a music and worship program that will meet those needs; and

(3) Integrate music and the arts with the total purpose of the church in its ministry goals.

Requirements: 124 hours (131 hours with recital), with a minimum of a C average (2.00 g.p.a.) overall and in each segment of the degree.

(1) Theological Studies Major, 46 hours:

  • BIB 1011, 1031, 2032, 2062. Bible Survey, 10
  • BIB 1100. Introduction to Biblical Studies, 2
  • BIB 1250. Evangelism and Discipleship, 2
  • BIB 2601. Biblical Interpretation, 3
  • IDS 1902, 3101, 4101. Christianity, Culture, and Worldview, 6 (for content purposes, these courses are shared with the A/S Core)
  • PHL 3602. Christian Philosophy, 3 (for content purposes, this course is shared with the A/S Core
  • THE 3251. Systematic Theology I, 2
  • THE 3301. Systematic Theology II, 3
  • THE 3402. Systematic Theology III, 3
  • THE 4032. Eschatology, 2
  • THE 4253. Christian Worship, 3 (for content purposes, this course is shared with the Worship Ministry Major)
  • BIB/THE 3000. electives, 4
  • BIB 4000. electives, 3

(2) Arts and Sciences Core, 38 hours:

  • BIO 1001, 1011. Systems in Biological Science and Lab, 4
  • BUS 1150. Microcomputer Applications, 0
  • ENG 1111, 1122. Grammar and Composition I, II, 6
  • ENG 2111, 2122. Masterpieces of World Literature I, II, 6
  • HIS 1011, 1022. History of Western Civilization I, II, 6
  • IDS 1501. Leadership and Calling: Personal Development and Leadership Principles, 2
  • IDS 2102. Foundations for Civic Engagement, 2
  • MAT 1101. College Algebra, 3
  • PHE 2100. Lifetime Fitness and PHE Activity Elective, 3
  • SPE 1000. Fundamentals of Speech, 3
  • SSC 3101. Marriage and Family, 3

(3) Worship Ministry Major, 40 hours:

     (a) Music, 23 hours: 

  • MUS 1011, 1022. Music Theory I, 6
  • MUS 1111, 1122. Aural Theory I, 2
  • MUS 2350 Private Voice, 2
  • MUS 1630. Class Conducting, 1
  • MUS 1271, 1282. Class Piano, 4 (students must pass proficiency based on one year or continue to enroll in piano until proficiency is passed)
  • Ensembles, 8 (including MUS 2467. Orchestra or Instrumental Ensemble, MUS2700. Traveling Group Ensembles, and others)

     (b) Worship Ministry, 17 hours

  • WMN 4205. Music and Worship Technology, 2
  • MUS 2650. Private Conducting, 2 (two semesters, waived for students taking Recital option)
  • MUS 3266. Choral and Instrumental Conducting for Worship, 2
  • MUS 4407. Worship Music Ministry Internship, 1
  • MIN 1011. Local Church and World Missions, 2
  • MIN 2336. Church Growth: Theory and Practice, 3
  • MIN 3011. Christian Ministry, 3
  • MIN 4907. Research Project in Ministry Studies, 2 (appropriate music ministry topic)

Recital Option: Add Applied Music in Piano, Vocal, or Instrumental, 8 hours; and MUS 4447. Senior Recital, 1 hour, for a total of 9 additional hours. If this option is taken though, students may waive MUS2650. Private Conducting, 2 hours, bringing the total additional hours for the Recital Option to 7 hours. 

Meet your Faculty Members

Daniel Webster welch college, gallatin, TN

Mr. Daniel Webster

Director of Enrollment and Marketing | Instructor of Music and Theology

Lindy Shipley - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Linda Shipley

Professor of Music

Dr. James Stevens - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. James Stevens

Professor of Music | Dean, School of Music

Mr. Mark Lancaster

Mr. Mark Lancaster

Adult Studies Admissions Counselor | Adjunct Instructor of Music