General Christian Ministries

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A degree in General Christian Ministries will help you apply the truth of God’s Word in church ministry and across the world.

Degree in General Christian Ministries

Enrollment in the BSGCM program is limited to online students, transfer students (usually those having at least 45 hours of accumulated credit), and, in rare cases, students approved by the Dean of the School of Theology in consultation with ministry faculty.

Career and Ministry Opportunities with a General Christian Ministries

This program of study is designed to prepare Christian leaders (both lay leaders and preachers) to perform various ministries within a local church context. The student will be able to:

(1) Articulate a practical biblical theology and philosophy of life and ministry;

(2) Demonstrate skills in a variety of local church ministries;

(3) Provide leadership in a local church through teaching/preaching, planning, organizing, and overseeing programs of outreach, growth, and maturing of new believers.

General Christian Ministries programs at Welch College

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Bachelor of Science Degree: Major in Theological Studies, General Christian Ministries

Requirements: 124 hours, with a C average (2.00 g.p.a.) overall and in each segment of the degree.

(1) Arts and Sciences Core, 44 hours:

  • BIO 1001, 1011. Systems in Biological Science and Lab, 4
  • BUS 1150. Microcomputer Applications, 0
  • ENG 1111, 1122. Grammar and Composition I, II, 6
  • ENG 2111, 2122. Masterpieces of World Literature I, II, 6
  • HIS 1011, 1022. History of Western Civilization I, II, 6
  • IDS 1501. Leadership and Calling: Personal Development and Leadership Principles, 2
  • IDS 2102. Foundations for Civic Engagement, 2
  • MAT 1101. College Algebra, 3
  • MUS 1002. Music Introduction and Appreciation, 3
  • PHE 2100. Lifetime Fitness and PHE activity elective, 3
  • PHL 3602. Christian Philosophy, 3
  • SPE 1000. Fundamentals of Speech, 3
  • SSC 3101. Marriage and Family, 3

(2) Theological Studies, 69 hours:

     (a) Bible and Theology Major, 37 hours

  • BIB 1011, 1031, 2032, 2062. Bible Survey, 10
  • BIB 1100. Introduction to Biblical Studies, 2
  • BIB 1250. Evangelism and Discipleship, 2
  • BIB 2601. Biblical Interpretation, 3
  • BIB/THE 3000. Electives, 4
  • BIB/THE 4000. Electives, 6 (at least 3 of these hours must include the BIB prefix)
  • THE 3251. Systematic Theology I, 2
  • THE 3301. Systematic Theology II, 3
  • THE 3402. Systematic Theology III, 3
  • THE 4032. Eschatology, 2

     (b) Ministry Studies Core, 32 hours:

  • IDS 1902, 3101, 4101. Christianity, Culture and Worldview, 6 (for content purposes, these
  • courses are shared with the A/S Core)
  • LNG 2013-2026. Beginning Koine Greek I, II, 6, or LNG 3014-3025. Beginning Biblical Hebrew I, II, 6 (in lieu of this requirement, online students will take: LNG 2001. Greek
  • Language Tools, 3 and LNG 2002. Hebrew Language Tools, 3)
  • Using Biblical Languages, 6)
  • MIN 1011. Local Church and World Missions, 2
  • MIN 2326. Church Growth: Theory and Practice, 2
  • MIN 3011. Christian Ministry, 3
  • MIN 3111. Homiletics, 2
  • MIN 3601. Christian Counseling, 3
  • PMN 3105. Church Administration, 2
  • PMN 4253. Christian Worship, 2
  • YFM 2002. Education in the Local Church, 2
  • YFM 2106 Spiritual Disciplines, 2

(3) General electives, 11 hours (all free electives transferred from other institutions must meet the requirements for transfer credits set forth in the Academic Catalog) 

Associate of Science Degree: Ministry

This program is intended to provide quality, basic preparation for local church ministry, but not for further education. The primary purpose for offering this program is to support and enhance the Christian ministries of bi-vocational pastors and volunteer lay workers in the local church. The Associate of Science degree in Ministry is not considered to be preparation for a full-time ministry. Those who definitely plan to be full-time pastors, missionaries, or to have a vocational Youth and Family Ministry are advised to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Theological Studies. The Associate of Science degree in Ministry may be earned entirely online.

In addition to meeting the specific objectives stated elsewhere for the major in Theological Studies and for the Arts and Sciences core, the graduate should be able to:

(1) Apply and demonstrate biblical principles of thought and life in consistent Christian witness;

(2) Serve and minister effectively in a variety of local church responsibilities; and

(3) Support and extend the ministry of the local church in his or her community.

Requirements: 62 hours, with a C average (2.00 g.p.a.) overall and in each segment of the degree.

(1) Arts and Sciences, 26 hours

  • BUS 1150. Microcomputer Applications, 0
  • ENG 1011, 1022. Grammar and Composition I, II, 6
  • HIS 1011. History of Western Civilization, 3
  • IDS 1501. Leadership and Calling: Personal Development and Leadership Principles, 2
  • IDS 2102. Foundations for Civic Engagement, 2
  • IDS 1902. Christianity, Culture, and Worldview, 2
  • MAT 1101. College Algebra, 3
  • MUS 1002. Music Introduction and Appreciation, 3
  • PHE 2100. Lifetime Fitness, 2
  • SPE 1000. Fundamentals of Speech, 3

(2) Theological Studies, 36 hours

  • BIB 1011, 1031, 2032, 2062. Bible Survey, 10
  • BIB 1100. Introduction to Biblical Studies, 2
  • BIB 1250. Evangelism and Discipleship, 2
  • BIB 2601. Biblical Interpretation, 3
  • ICS 1102. Biblical Basis of Missions, 2
  • MIN 2326. Church Growth: Theory and Practice, 2
  • MIN 1011. Local Church and World Missions, 2
  • MIN 3011. Christian Ministry, 3
  • MIN 3111. Homiletics, 2
  • SSC 3101. Marriage and the Family, 3
  • THE 3101. Christian Doctrines, 3
  • YFM 2106. Spiritual Disciplines, 2
Spanish Language Certificate in Biblical and Ministry Studies

The Spanish Language Certificate in Biblical and Ministry Studies is designed to support and enhance Spanish-speaking, volunteer and bi-vocational church workers’ local church ministry. Courses are available online and may be done in a one-year, fifteen-hour group. All courses composing this certificate have been translated into Spanish. Courses include:

  • BIB 1011, 1031, 2032, 2062. Bible Surveys, 10
  • BIB 1100. Introduction to Biblical Studies, 2
  • BIB 1250. Evangelism and Discipleship, 2
  • MIN 1907. Local Church Internship, 1

The Spanish Language Certificate in Biblical and Ministry Studies has two primary learning objectives: Students receiving this certificate will be able to (1) apply and demonstrate biblical principles of thought and life in consistent Christian witness; and (2) support and extend the local church’s ministry in his or her community. The certificate is intended to provide quality, basic instruction for local church ministry, but not for further education.

All certificate courses will be offered on the College’s current online delivery platform, Populi, through which all students have access to student services and student learning support including: technical assistance, advising, library training, library resources, and the Student Services department.

Students interested in obtaining the Spanish Language Certificate in Biblical and Ministry Studies will be admitted as special students, but will not be admitted to degree programs. Should certificate holders wish to enroll in one of the College’s degree programs, they will be subject to the full admission standards.

Meet your Faculty Members

Chris Talbot, Welch College, Gallatin, TN, Youth and Family Ministry

Mr. Chris Talbot

Instructor of Ministry | Program Coordinator, Youth and Family Ministry | Campus Pastor

Dr. Barry Raper - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Barry Raper

Associate Professor of Ministry, Welch Divinity School

Dr. Matthew Pinson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. J. Matthew Pinson

President | Professor of Theology

Dr. Sheldon Martin - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Martin Sheldon

Director of Administration, Welch Divinity School | Associate Professor of New Testament

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Vice Provost for Academic Administration | Assistant Professor of Theology and Culture | Cross Country Coach

Dr. Matthew McAfee - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Matthew McAffee

Provost | Dean, Welch Divinity School | Professor of Old Testament

Dr. Jesse Owens

Dr. Jesse Owens

Assistant Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology | Program Coordinator, Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry

Dr. Kevin Hester - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Kevin Hester

Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness | Senior Professor of Divinity | Dean, School of Theology | Program Coordinator, Theological Studies

Jose Rodriguez - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Instructor of Ministry | Dean of the Spanish Ministry Institute

Mr. Tim Johnson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Timothy Johnson

Instructor of Intercultural Studies | Program Coordinator, Intercultural Studies