Faculty and Staff Listing


Dr. Steven Beck - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Stephen Beck

Instructor of Education | Undergraduate Dean, School of Education

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Vice Provost for Academic Administration | Assistant Professor of Theology and Culture | Cross Country Coach

Dr. Sarah Bracey

Dr. Sarah Bracey

Assistant Professor of Psychology | Program Coordinator, Psychology

Rebecca Deel - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Rebecca Deel

Professor of Business | Program Coordinator, Business

Greg Fawbush - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Greg Fawbush

Instructor of Exercise Science | Program Coordinator, Exercise Science | Athletic Director | Men’s Basketball Coach

Jon Forlines - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Jon Forlines

Vice President for Student Services | Dean of Students | Associate Professor of Psychology

Dr. Ian Hawkins - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Ian Hawkins

Associate Professor of Biology | Dean, School of Arts and Sciences | Program Coordinator, Biology

Dr. Kevin Hester - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Kevin Hester

Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness | Senior Professor of Divinity | Dean, School of Theology | Program Coordinator, Theological Studies

Dr. Darrell Holley - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Darrell Holley

Instructor of English

Mr. Tim Johnson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Timothy Johnson

Instructor of Intercultural Studies | Program Coordinator, Intercultural Studies

Dr. Greg Ketteman

Dr. Greg Ketteman

Vice President for Strategic Initiatives | Professor of Education | Graduate Dean of Education

Dr. Matthew McAfee - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Matthew McAffee

Provost | Dean, Welch Divinity School | Professor of Old Testament

Dr. Phillips Morgan - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Phillip Morgan

Instructor of History | Program Coordinator, History

Dr. Jesse Owens

Dr. Jesse Owens

Assistant Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology | Program Coordinator, Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry

Merinda Parrish - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mrs. Merinda Parrish

Adjunct Instructor of Education | Clinical Coordinator of Education

Etta Patterson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Etta Patterson

Professor of Education | Associate Undergraduate Dean, School of Education

Dr. Matthew Pinson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. J. Matthew Pinson

President | Professor of Theology

Dr. Barry Raper - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Barry Raper

Associate Professor of Ministry, Welch Divinity School

Anna Rose Robertson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Anna Rose Robertson

Assistant Professor of Exercise Science

Jose Rodriguez - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Instructor of Ministry | Dean of the Spanish Ministry Institute

Dr. Sheldon Martin - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Martin Sheldon

Director of Administration, Welch Divinity School | Associate Professor of New Testament

Lindy Shipley - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Linda Shipley

Professor of Music

Dr. William Slater - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. William Slater

Instructor of Education | Dean, Adult and Online Studies

Dr. James Stevens - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. James Stevens

Professor of Music | Dean, School of Music

Chris Talbot, Welch College, Gallatin, TN, Youth and Family Ministry

Mr. Chris Talbot

Instructor of Ministry | Program Coordinator, Youth and Family Ministry | Campus Pastor

Christa Thornsbury - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mrs. Christa Thornsbury


Frank Thornsbury - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Frank Thornsbury

Instructor of English | Program Coordinator, English

Tina Tolbert - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Ms. Tina Tolbert

Assistant Professor of Speech | Freshman Coordinator

Daniel Webster welch college, gallatin, TN

Mr. Daniel Webster

Worship Ministry Program Coordinator


Mike Anderson - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Mike Anderson

Physical Plant

Mrs. Davida Black

Mrs. Davida Black

Institutional Advancement Office Manager

Katie Bryan - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Ms. Katie Bryan

Head Women’s Basketball Coach

Mrs. Pam Buck

Mrs. Pam Buck

Coordinator for Admissions Records

Mr. Jeff Caudill

Mr. Jeff Caudill

Marketing Operations Manager

Mr. Nicolas Cruz

Mr. Nicolas Cruz

Academic Office Assistant

Greg Fawbush - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Greg Fawbush

Instructor of Exercise Science | Program Coordinator, Exercise Science | Athletic Director | Men’s Basketball Coach

Ms. Krystal Fisher

Ms. Krystal Fisher

Admissions Counselor

Martha Fletcher - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Ms. Martha Fletcher

Executive Assistant to the President

Susan Forlines - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mrs. Susan Forlines

Dean of Women

Ms. AnnaGee Harris

Ms. AnnaGee Harris

Director of Theater | Coordinator for Enrollment Events and Student Reps

Alyssa Hill - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Ms. Alyssa Hill

Student Accounts Coordinator

Mr. Silas Houser

Mr. Silas Houser

Admissions Counselor

Mr. Jacob Johnson

Mr. Jacob Johnson

Divinity School Recruiter

Mr. Mark Lancaster

Mr. Mark Lancaster

Adult Studies Admissions Counselor | Adjunct Instructor of Music

Ms. Sarah Lovett

Ms. Sarah Lovett

Administrative Assistant for Business Office and Enrollment

Whitney Lute - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mrs. Whitney Lute

Women’s Resident Director

Craig Mahler - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Craig Mahler

Vice President for Financial Affairs

Mrs. Anna McAffee

Mrs. Anna McAffee


Ms. Bethany McClain

Ms. Bethany McClain

Administrative Assistant for Teacher Education and M.A.T. Program

Mr. Austin Owen

Mr. Austin Owen

Admissions Counselor

Mr. Tim Owen

Mr. Tim Owen

Director of the Welch Fund

Todd Parrish - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mr. Todd Parrish

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Ms. Anna Pinson

Ms. Anna Pinson

Marketing and Communications Assistant

Mrs. Melinda Pinson

Mrs. Melinda Pinson

Hospitality and Donor Relations Liaison

Mr. Brandon Presley

Mr. Brandon Presley

Men's Resident Director

Ms. Abby Settle

Ms. Abby Settle

Senior Admissions Counselor

Lynn Shaarenberger - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mrs. Lynn Sharenberger

Business Services Manager

Ms. Ellie Simpson

Ms. Ellie Simpson

Financial Aid Coordinator

Mrs. Jennifer Thompson

Mrs. Jennifer Thompson

Administrative Assistant | Adult & Online Studies, Dual Enrollment

Emily Vickery - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Mrs. Emily Vickery

Institutional Research Assistant

Mr. Alex White

Mr. Alex White

Physical Plant

Mr. DeWayne White

Mr. DeWayne White

Physical Plant