Master of Arts (M.A.) in Humanities

A graduate degree that integrates the classical disciplines of the humanities such as the arts, culture, hermeneutics, history, law, literature, philosophy, and theology.


M.A. in Humanities | Objectives

The M.A. in Humanities is a 33-semester-hour graduate degree that integrates the classical disciplines of the humanities, such as the arts, culture, hermeneutics, history, law, literature, philosophy, and theology. It is designed to prepare college graduates who desire additional education in the humanities, as well as to credential college teachers in the humanities. The graduate should be able to demonstrate the following objectives:

(1)   Sound grasp of the philosophical issues undergirding the disciplines of the humanities;

(2)   Knowledge of the major writings in literature of the great tradition, including a knowledge of the underlying issues present in the interpretation of works more generally;

(3)   Critical analysis of culture and its artifacts; and

(4)  Competency in original research.


Application Procedure

  1. Complete the Application for Admission. As part of the completed application, the students must submit a written essay and provide a personal testimony of his or her salvation experience and reasons for desiring to attend the College. Attention should be given to proper English composition.
  2. Submit the names and contact information for two, non-family personal references, including one from a pastor or spiritual mentor.
  3. Submit a $75 application fee. Contact the Graduate Office for details.
  4. Submit a signed statement of faith and acknowledgment of Christian conversion.

The following additional items must be submitted:

  1. Official, final college transcript,
  2. Health Record Form (if students will be on campus),
  3. Medical Authorization Form (if students will be on campus), and
  4. Student Consent to Release Academic Information Form (FERPA).


Master of Arts in Humanities | Requirements

33 hours, with a 2.50 g.p.a. overall and in each segment of the degree.

ENG 5007. Linguistics, Language, and Understanding, 3
ENG 5107. Great Books: Ancient through Medieval, 3
ENG 5207. Great Books: Renaissance through Modern, 3
HUM 5047. Culture and Religion, 3
HUM 6037. Advanced Seminar in Culture, 3

HUM 6117. Thesis, 3
PHL 5010. Philosophy of Education, 3
PHL 5087. Religious Epistemology, 3
THE 6027. The Interpretation of Texts, 3

I’m Here to Help!

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Dr. Matthew Bracey

Vice Provost for Academic Administration | Assistant Professor of Theology and Culture | Cross Country Coach

B.A., Welch College, 2008
M.T.S., Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, 2012
J.D., Cumberland School of Law, Samford University, 2012
Ph.D. (ABD), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Faculty, Welch College, 2013-
Registrar, 2013-17
Associate Vice Provost, 2016-17
Vice Provost for Academic Administration, 2017-