Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree in Theology and Ministry

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The Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree in Theology and Ministry will prepare you for a life of service deeply rooted in God’s Word.

Classical Theology. Practical Ministry.

The Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry at Welch College is designed for college graduates who desire additional education in the classical theological disciplines and the integration of those disciplines within the practice of Christian ministry.

The 33-semester-hour M.A. degree is an advanced degree, with a hybrid format, that focuses on developing skills and knowledge in the area of Christian ministry. You will study under faculty members who are gifted scholars with specialties in a broad range of disciplines and are experienced in ministry. They will teach effectively and mentor you intentionally to apply biblical and theological depth to your ministry. The emphasis is on practical application that builds on your experience.

The Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry is regionally and nationally accredited. Learn more about our accreditation here.

M.A. in Theology and Ministry | Program Details


ICS 5007 Mission and Church Growth
THE 5017 The Arminian Theological Tradition
BIB 5027 Issues in Old Testament Studies
MIN 5037 Discovering and Communicating Biblical Truth
THE5047 Church and Culture
MIN 5057 Ministry and Leadership I
BIB 5067 Issues in New Testament Studies
MIN 5077 Ministry and Leadership II
THE 5087 Theological Foundation
THE 5095 The History of Doctrine
THE/MIN 5100 Research Methodology
THE/MIN 5107 Summative Experience

M.A. in Theology and Ministry | Tuition and Scholarships


Tuition: $450 per credit hour
Total Cost for Program: 33 credit hours X $450 = $14,850


A graduate education is expensive but it is one of the most important endeavors you will ever undertake. We can help you pay for your education by keeping costs low and helping you find financial aid in the form of loans and scholarships.

  1. Academic Merit Scholarship $2,500 – for those with an undergraduate GPA >= 3.5 on a 4-point scale
  2. Ministry Scholarship $1,000 – for Free Will Baptist ministers, missionaries, and denominational workers
  3. Free Will Baptist Church Member discount $1,320

Scholarships will be granted to students based on information provided during the application process.

M.A. in Theology and Ministry | Program Outcomes

Students who successfully complete the program should demonstrate:

  • A thorough understanding of the history, principles, and methods of Biblical exegesis and the ability both to defend the reliability of the Biblical text and to communicate the Bible’s redemptive storyline in an effective, relevant way.
  • Mastery and implementation of a biblical philosophy of church and pastoral leadership as applied to: (a) the leader’s personal spiritual formation and interpersonal relationships; (b) Christian worship; (c) principles of pastoral care in ministering to people’s spiritual, psychological, relational and material needs; and (d) practical issues involved in the pastoral ministry within the local church.
  • Application of rigorous theological critique informed by a Christian worldview toward the assessment of: (a) trends, issues, and ethical concerns in the secular culture; and (b) current movements and trajectories within the church culture.
  • An understanding of Christian theological thought with a view toward: (a) critical engagement with a wide scope of theological systems and worldviews; (b) grounding in Reformation Arminianism and the distinctives of Free Will Baptist theology; and, (c) the role of presuppositional apologetics oriented toward worldview critique.
  • Grasp of the global expanse of God’s Kingdom-building through His church encompassing: (a) missiological principles of international evangelization and church planting as applied to the local church; and (b) organic models of church growth founded upon an understanding of biblical principles of evangelism and discipleship.
  • A solid grasp of the history of the church, particularly: (a) the heritage of evangelical orthodoxy traced through the patristic, reformation, and post-reformation eras; and (b) Free Will Baptist history and traditions, with an emphasis on confessional loyalty.

We’re Here to Help!

Dr. Kevin Hester - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Kevin Hester

Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness | Senior Professor of Divinity | Dean, School of Theology | Program Coordinator, Theological Studies

Dr. Jesse Owens

Dr. Jesse Owens

Assistant Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology | Program Coordinator, Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry

Jose Rodriguez - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Instructor of Ministry | Dean of the Spanish Ministry Institute

Dr. Barry Raper - Welch College is a Christian Bible College in Gallatin, Tennessee

Dr. Barry Raper

Associate Professor of Ministry, Welch Divinity School