Readmit Application

This application is for a previously enrolled Welch student who took a break from their studies at Welch College for a semester or more.

You’re about to start the Readmit application for returning students.

We’re Here to Help!

Daniel Webster welch college, gallatin, TN

Mr. Daniel Webster

Director of Enrollment and Marketing | Instructor of Music and Theology

Ms. AnnaGee Harris

Ms. AnnaGee Harris

Director of Theater | Coordinator for Enrollment Events and Student Reps

Mrs. Pam Buck

Mrs. Pam Buck

Coordinator for Admissions Records

Ms. Krystal Fisher

Ms. Krystal Fisher

Admissions Counselor

Mr. Silas Houser

Mr. Silas Houser

Admissions Counselor

Mr. Austin Owen

Mr. Austin Owen

Admissions Counselor

Ms. Abby Settle

Ms. Abby Settle

Senior Admissions Counselor