Letter to FORUM20/Bible Conference Attendees from the Special Committee to Review Coronavirus Outbreak

Dear Friends,

Our community of faith and learning anticipates the upcoming FORUM20/Bible Conference. This annual gathering is an important event in the life of Welch College that complements our mission to educate leaders to serve Christ, His Church, and His world through biblical thought and life. We believe that this conference will encourage those in attendance as we gather to hear the Word of our Lord.

We have also engaged in serious deliberation about the event in light of recent concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). While we have noted that, some have expressed exaggerated fears, our primary concern is for the health and well-being of our community, including the many guests who plan to join us for FORUM20.

As you may be aware, a special committee was recently appointed to monitor this global phenomenon. Originally, the committee was charged to study the feasibility of international travel by our students to serve in both Taiwan and the U.S. Virgin Islands over the coming spring break. However, due to the rapid change in this situation, the committee quickly realized the necessity of assessing campus preparedness in the event of a community-level outbreak. We recently announced the cancellation of both trips, though we are prayerfully hopeful that sponsors can reschedule the trips when the Coronavirus situation improves.

Additionally, we have implemented measures to monitor faculty, staff, and student international travel to areas with community spread and/or locations with active travel advisories from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Upon the explicit recommendation of members of the local medical community, we are requiring that anyone who travels to these areas will self-quarantine for at least fourteen days prior to returning to Welch College to complete the spring semester.

Recent actions follow highly publicized warnings from governments and health organizations, and they come from a concern for the welfare of individuals planning to travel as well as concern for our broader community. As the spread of the Coronavirus continues to grow and raise concerns, we want to communicate some helpful information on how we are monitoring and preparing the campus for this apparent eventuality.

In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for those attending FORUM20, we are asking that faculty, staff, students, and guests use discretion so as not to expose others to communicable illness, especially if one has traveled to/from an area with community spread and/or active CDC travel advisories. Furthermore, we ask that constituents follow preventative measures recommended by the CDC and others, including limiting close contact with those who are sick, covering coughs or sneezes, staying home when one is sick, and cleaning hands regularly with soap and water for at least twenty seconds, among others.

Though we understand the impossibility of eliminating the spread of Coronavirus and other communicable illness entirely, we are grateful for the commitment of the Welch community to do its part to minimize this risk and, in so doing, to provide for the well-being of others.


Special Committee to Review Coronavirus Outbreak
Members, in alphabetical order:
Matthew Bracey
Coach Greg Fawbush, Co-chair
Dr. Jon Forlines
Russell Houske
Dr. Greg Ketteman
Craig Mahler, Co-chair

Welch College Will Not Sanction Previously Planned International Trips: Urges Caution for All Travelers

On February 19 a Special Committee was appointed to monitor events related to the Coronavirus outbreak. They informed the campus community of its charge to make recommendations promoting the safety and well-being of our students and our entire campus community. Faculty, staff, and students are asked to self-report any travel scheduled between now and May 31, 2020, using the survey found here. The committee was aware that members of our community had planned to travel on college-sanctioned trips to Taiwan and the U.S. Virgin Islands to serve others.

Trip Sanctions Withdrawn
After carefully monitoring this rapidly evolving situation, the Special Committee recommended, and President Pinson approved, postponement or cancellation of international travel until the Coronavirus situation improves. Thus we regret to inform our campus community that, as a result of this serious international phenomenon, Welch College will not sanction originally scheduled spring break trips to Taiwan or the U.S. Virgin Islands. We are working with Taiwan and U.S. Virgin Island team members to assess the feasibility of rescheduling trips in the future and, if desired, facilitating local service opportunities during the upcoming break as an alternative. Funds received by Welch College for these trips will be held to support future service opportunities.

Self-Quarantine Measures
We understand that some individuals plan to travel independently (i.e. whether individually or with other groups not under Welch College oversight). While we recognize our inability to alter such plans, it is important that those individuals conduct careful research to make informed personal decisions. Furthermore, and upon the explicit recommendation of members of the local medical community, anyone who chooses to proceed with independent travel to international areas with community spread of the Coronavirus and/or areas under U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerts or warnings, will be required to self-quarantine for at least 14 days prior to returning to Welch College to complete the spring semester.

The decision to cancel spring break trips originally sanctioned by Welch College and to discourage international travel follows highly publicized warnings from governments and health organizations and is out of concern for the welfare of individuals planning to travel as well as concern for our college family and the broader community. The responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for our community is one we take seriously and approach both prayerfully and thoughtfully.

Multiple Professionals Consulted
The Special Committee made its decision after reviewing information from trusted sources—including the World Health Organization (WHO) and CDC, among others—and consulting with epidemiologists from the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH), colleagues in higher education, denominational leaders, and many others who have offered both information and support. Furthermore, we are especially grateful for the counsel received from officials at Sumner Regional Medical Center (SRMC) in Gallatin.

The Special Committee is grateful to our Welch family for its full cooperation and understanding in this difficult situation. Furthermore, and most importantly, we encourage our community to continue to pray for the many people affected by the Coronavirus outbreak that has currently infected more than 89,000 and resulted in the death of more than 3,000 people worldwide.

Everyday Preventative Measures
All health officials and professionals consulted urge that we remind faculty, staff, and students to follow everyday preventative measures such as home isolation when sick, respiratory etiquette by covering coughs and sneezes, and appropriate hand hygiene, among other actions recommended by the CDC and TDH. The Special Committee continues to monitor this situation and will issue necessary updates. We welcome the feedback of our Welch College community.

Special Committee to Review Coronavirus Outbreak

Members, in alphabetical order:
Matthew Bracey
Coach Greg Fawbush, Co-chair (gfawbush@welch.edu)
Dr. Jon Forlines
Russell Houske
Dr. Greg Ketteman
Craig Mahler, Co-chair (cmahler@welch.edu)

Statement from Special Committee Regarding Coronavirus

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

In order to maintain a safe environment that promotes the well-being of our campus community, a special ad hoc committee of the college’s Safety & Security Committee and others was recently formed to monitor recent events related to the Coronavirus. In order to gain an understanding of those from among our community who expect to travel internationally from now until May 31, the Committee is asking all faculty, staff, and students to self-report international travel using the survey linked here on/by Friday, February 28.

Currently, we are aware that members of our community will travel in the coming weeks to, at least, Taiwan and the U.S. Virgin Islands to serve others. Thus we are monitoring this changing situation daily. Currently, according to John Hopkins University, authorities have confirmed more than 75,000 cases of the Coronavirus worldwide, with 23 in Taiwan, 15 in the United States, and 0 in the U.S. Virgin Islands. While educating leaders to serve Christ, His Church, and His world is at the heart of Welch’s mission, the Committee is considering all possible options for trips, including continuing to sanction the service opportunities to both Taiwan and the U.S. Virgin Islands, cancellation/postponement of one or both trips, or selection of another location, among other options.

After both discussing the matter with internal and external stakeholders and conducting research, we believe that cancelling the college sponsored/sanctioned trips is premature at this time. However, we will continue to monitor the situation in the event that we need to alter our decision—up until the moment of departure. Neither the U.S Department of State (State) nor the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has currently issued any travel advisories/restrictions for either Taiwan or the U.S. Virgin Islands. If international travel proceeds as planned, we will ask those person(s) traveling to sign a waiver, which is currently under development.

We expect to continue our review of the trips and issue another update on/about March 1 (i.e., about 10 days prior to spring break/the group’s departure) or sooner, if needed. While we are prayerfully hopeful that the worldwide situation will improve over the coming weeks, we are carefully considering this matter and, after reviewing the facts and circumstances, are prepared to make a thoughtful decision that provides for the welfare of our entire community of faith and learning.

In the meantime, we are calling our campus community to pray for resolution to this worldwide event that has resulted in the tragic loss of nearly 2,000 lives worldwide and the safety of those traveling, while, finally, asking for wisdom as decisions are made. Furthermore, in order to inform our campus community with the same helpful information used to inform our decision, we offer the following resources for consideration:

We aim to inform the campus community—especially those traveling internationally—in a timely fashion with the latest information and to convey with clarity the inherent risks to international travel due to the Coronavirus. At the same time, any member of the campus community who is scheduled to travel internationally must also conduct the research necessary to make an informed personal decision. Risks include, but are not limited to, government travel restrictions, contracting the Coronavirus, and, in some cases depending on location, limitations of the healthcare system, quarantine and related complexities, and/or special steps imposed by the college or others to monitor one’s health upon returning to the college during the 14-day incubation period, among other things.

We trust this public service announcement is helpful to our campus community and illustrates the seriousness with which we take our responsibility to facilitate a safe and secure learning environment whereby Welch College fulfills its mission to educate leaders to serve Christ, His Church, and His world through biblical thought and life. We look forward to communicating as more information becomes available and as soon as decisions are known. For the time being, do not hesitate to contact either Coach Greg Fawbush or Mr. Craig Mahler, the special committee co-chairs, with any questions.


In His Service,

Special Committee to Review Coronavirus Outbreak

Members, in alphabetical order:

Mr. Matthew Bracey
Coach Greg Fawbush, Co-chair (gfawbush@welch.edu)
Dr. Jon Forlines
Mr. Russell Houske
Dr. Greg Ketteman
Mr. Craig Mahler, Co-chair (cmahler@welch.edu)