Welch Promotes Alyssa Hill to Student Accounts Coordinator

Welch Promotes Alyssa Hill to Student Accounts Coordinator

GALLATIN, TN—Alyssa Hill, who has served as the Financial Aid Office Assistant at Welch College since 2018, was recently promoted to Student Accounts Coordinator, according to Craig Mahler, Vice President for Financial Affairs. Miss Hill assumes the role recently vacated by Kay Clark, who relocated to Lawrenceburg, Kentucky.

“I was delighted to learn of Alyssa’s interest in this position,” states Mahler. “She loves Welch College, believes in its mission, and is a capable individual. I am thankful she agreed to pursue this opportunity.” 

In her new role, Hill will serve in the Business Office and manage student billing while also overseeing important HR functions, such as onboarding new employees, processing payroll, and assisting with employee benefits.  

Alyssa is from Norton, Virginia, and a 2018 summa cum laude Welch graduate in Business Administration with MBA Prep Emphasis.

Hill begins in the new role immediately. She will continue to serve in Financial Aid on a limited basis until the college can move forward with staffing plans in the Financial Aid Office soon. 

Welch Promotes Alyssa Hill to Student Accounts Coordinator

Williford to Retire from VP Role at Welch College

For Immediate Release

GALLATIN, TN—David Williford recently informed President Matt Pinson of his desire to retire from his long-standing role as Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Welch College. 

“David Williford has been one of the longest-standing leaders in the history of Welch College, and it’s going to be hard to see him go,” Pinson said, commenting on Williford’s two-decade tenure in the post. “Not only has Mr. Williford been a top advocate for Welch, but he’s also built bridges for the college across its alumni, denominational, and donor constituencies and served as a pace-setter in fundraising and denominational relations.”

Williford was Pinson’s first major hire in early 2002 after being named Welch’s president-elect in late 2001. “I went and heard David preach at First Free Will Baptist Church in Chipley, Florida, my last Sunday before moving to Nashville. He had been serving as part-time promotional director for the Florida State Association of Free Will Baptists. I knew right then he had to be at Welch.”

A native of Slocomb, Alabama, Williford married his wife Donna in 1973, and they came to Welch for David to enroll as a student in 1976. The Willifords have two grown children, Michael and Stephanie, both of whom are Welch alumni. Williford established himself as an effective pastor of Free Will Baptist churches in Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida before being named promotional director for Florida Free Will Baptists in 2000. He served two terms as a member of the Free Will Baptist International Missions Board.

In addition to representing Welch across diverse constituencies, Williford oversaw the most productive era of fundraising in Welch’s history, with more than $12 million having been raised thus far toward the ongoing Building on the Legacy campaign for Welch’s recently constructed campus in Gallatin, Tennessee.

“David Williford has been not only a loyal and effective chief advancement officer for the college but also a trusted friend and advisor to me,” Pinson said. “Our plans are to keep him tied in part-time as fundraiser and Welch ambassador as he moves into retirement from his vice president role.” Williford will continue until this June, when he will have served twenty years in the position.

Welch President Matt Pinson Publishes 40 Questions About Arminianism

Welch President Matt Pinson Publishes 40 Questions About Arminianism

GALLATIN, TN—On April 9, Kregel Academic published a new book by Welch College president Matt Pinson entitled 40 Questions About Arminianism. The book is an introduction to Arminianism to the wider evangelical community.

Kregel Academic is the academic imprint of Kregel Publishers, an evangelical publishing house in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The new book is the latest in the 40 Questions series, edited by Benjamin Merkle, Professor of New Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  

Pinson said, “I’m so excited Kregel Academic has released this new book. It seeks to answer 40 key questions people often have about the theology that emerged from the teaching of the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius. It’s not intended just for Arminians but for people from diverse quadrants of the evangelical community who want a survey of the Arminian doctrine of salvation.”

A number of scholars have recommended the new book:

“. . . provides readers with the perfect opportunity to get acquainted with a vibrant, evangelical Arminianism that is rooted and grounded in Reformation theology.” —Robert E. Picirilli, Welch College

“. . . the best resource in print that provides trustworthy insight into a comparison of Arminianism and Calvinism . . . an irenic apologetic for which Arminius himself would issue high praise.” —W. Stephen Gunter, Duke Divinity School

“Anyone who wants to be thoroughly informed about Arminianism must read 40 Questions About Arminianism.” —Roger E. Olson, Baylor University

“. . . may well rank as the best available exposition of evangelical Arminianism . . . a gracious and profoundly learned response to the biblical Calvinism that I embrace.” —Michael A. G. Haykin, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Pinson conveys a beautiful irenic tone, helping inform fellow brothers and sisters in Christ about many of the frequently misunderstood features of the great tapestry which makes up Christian theology.” —Timothy Tennent, Asbury Theological Seminary

“Matthew Pinson cogently articulates what Arminius and Arminians actually believe, and why they believe it.” —Steve W. Lemke, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

“I’m not an Arminian. However, I am deeply appreciative of the Arminian theological tradition and its contributions to the church catholic. As such, I’m thankful that Matt Pinson has written this important volume.” —Nathan Finn, North Greenville University

“Pinson is very well versed in both Arminianism and Calvinism and challenges both Arminians and Calvinists to rediscover their shared Reformed roots, to get a clear picture of the real differences, and to engage once again in the real conversation about them.” —William den Boer, Theological University Kampen, the Netherlands, and author of God’s Twofold Love: The Theology of Jacob Arminius (1559-1609)


Looking for more books from J Matthew Pinson? Check out these titles from Welch College Press. You can find 40 Questions About Arminianism on Amazon.

Welch Features Six Speakers at Forum22

Welch Features Six Speakers at Forum22

GALLATIN, TN—Guests gathered from across the country at the Forum22 conference at Welch College Sunday night, Monday, and Tuesday, March 6–8, according to Welch President Matt Pinson. “We were so pleased with this year’s conference, the first Forum Conference held in two years,” Pinson said. “As always, it was such a blessing to enjoy the Ministry of the Word and to visit with old friends.”

Attendees lifted their voices in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, heard from Welch College students in the Rejoice! Ministry Team, the College Choir, the Evangels, and the Instrumental Ensemble, prayed and read Scripture together, and listened to sermons and seminars from six speakers. 

Forum22 featured Dr. Harry Reeder, pastor-teacher of Briarwood Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Birmingham, Alabama, and his wife Cindy. New to the Forum conference was Jerry Nunes, bivocational pastor at Iglesia Cristiana Bautista of New York in Yonkers, New York, and a senior in-house attorney at a major technology company. Those gathered also heard stimulating sermons and seminars by Welch College regulars Dr. Robert Picirilli, Dr. Paul Harrison, and Dr. Jesse Owens. 

Topics for this year’s conference were as diverse as progressive Christianity vs. biblical Christianity (H. Reeder), the Ten Commandments (C. Reeder), lessons for church leaders from Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders (Picirilli), navigating the digital life biblically (Nunes), what we can learn from Jonathan Edwards (Harrison) and “Rest for the Weary” from Matthew 11:25–30 (Owens). 

The sermons can be found at facebook.com/WelchCollege.

Welch Promotes Alyssa Hill to Student Accounts Coordinator

Welch College Choir Announces Spring Tour 2022

GALLATIN, TN—The Welch College Choir will conduct a four-state spring tour March 9–13 according to David Williford, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Directed by Dr. James Stevens, chairman of the School of Music at Welch College, the College Choir will minister in six churches. The tour program is entitled Joy in the Morning.

“We’re excited about the choir’s tour program, which will consist of sacred choral selections and gospel songs designed to encourage and evangelize,” Williford said. “We want to encourage local churches and youth groups to mark their calendars and make every effort to attend a service in their area. We also ask that people pray for the health and safety of the choir as they travel and present God’s Word, and to pray that God would bless in every service.”

Spring Tour Schedule

March 9, 7:00 p.m. at Baker Branch Free Will Baptist Church, Tutor Key, KY

March 10, 7:00 p.m. at Porter Free Will Baptist Church, Portsmouth, OH

March 11, 7:00 p.m. at First Free Will Baptist Church, Columbus, OH

March 13, 11:00 a.m. at Woodhaven Free Will Baptist Church, Woodhaven, MI

March 13, 6:00 p.m. at Community Free Will Baptist Church, Westland, MI

March 14, 7:00 p.m. at Blue Point Free Will Baptist Church, Cisne, IL

Welch College offers majors in music performance, music education, and worship music. Members of the College Choir consist of both music majors and majors in other fields. For more information about Welch, email gotowelch@welch.edu.

Welch Promotes Alyssa Hill to Student Accounts Coordinator

Jeff Caudill to Serve as Marketing Operations Manager at Welch

GALLATIN, TN—Middle Tennessee pastor Jeff Caudill has been selected as Marketing Operations Manager at Welch College, according to Daniel Webster, Enrollment Services Director for Welch.

“I am so excited to announce Jeff’s appointment,” Webster said. I’ve never had the opportunity to work closely with Jeff, but everyone who has speaks highly of his administrative abilities. With Jeff’s organizational skills and institutional knowledge, I believe this part-time position is a perfect fit. I am excited about the future marketing program at Welch.” 

Caudill currently serves as Executive Pastor at Cofer’s Chapel, a pastorate he has held since 2010. He plans to continue in this position. Before his time at Cofer’s Chapel, Jeff served at Welch for ten years (2000-2010), as Director of Enrollment Services. Caudill holds two degrees, a bachelor’s degree in Youth Ministry from Welch (1999) and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Trevecca University (2010).

“I am looking forward to the opportunity to be back on the campus of Welch College. It is exciting to see how God in His providence has made it possible for me to take on the role of Marketing Operations Manager at Welch while continuing to serve as Executive Pastor at Cofer’s Chapel. Welch College has always held a special place in my heart.”

Jeff has been married to Calisse for 41 years. They have two daughters and five grandchildren. The Caudills’ daughters and sons-in-law—Stephen and Rebekah Lopes, Joshua and Rachel Eidson—are all Welch alumni.