Statement from Special Committee Regarding Coronavirus

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

In order to maintain a safe environment that promotes the well-being of our campus community, a special ad hoc committee of the college’s Safety & Security Committee and others was recently formed to monitor recent events related to the Coronavirus. In order to gain an understanding of those from among our community who expect to travel internationally from now until May 31, the Committee is asking all faculty, staff, and students to self-report international travel using the survey linked here on/by Friday, February 28.

Currently, we are aware that members of our community will travel in the coming weeks to, at least, Taiwan and the U.S. Virgin Islands to serve others. Thus we are monitoring this changing situation daily. Currently, according to John Hopkins University, authorities have confirmed more than 75,000 cases of the Coronavirus worldwide, with 23 in Taiwan, 15 in the United States, and 0 in the U.S. Virgin Islands. While educating leaders to serve Christ, His Church, and His world is at the heart of Welch’s mission, the Committee is considering all possible options for trips, including continuing to sanction the service opportunities to both Taiwan and the U.S. Virgin Islands, cancellation/postponement of one or both trips, or selection of another location, among other options.

After both discussing the matter with internal and external stakeholders and conducting research, we believe that cancelling the college sponsored/sanctioned trips is premature at this time. However, we will continue to monitor the situation in the event that we need to alter our decision—up until the moment of departure. Neither the U.S Department of State (State) nor the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has currently issued any travel advisories/restrictions for either Taiwan or the U.S. Virgin Islands. If international travel proceeds as planned, we will ask those person(s) traveling to sign a waiver, which is currently under development.

We expect to continue our review of the trips and issue another update on/about March 1 (i.e., about 10 days prior to spring break/the group’s departure) or sooner, if needed. While we are prayerfully hopeful that the worldwide situation will improve over the coming weeks, we are carefully considering this matter and, after reviewing the facts and circumstances, are prepared to make a thoughtful decision that provides for the welfare of our entire community of faith and learning.

In the meantime, we are calling our campus community to pray for resolution to this worldwide event that has resulted in the tragic loss of nearly 2,000 lives worldwide and the safety of those traveling, while, finally, asking for wisdom as decisions are made. Furthermore, in order to inform our campus community with the same helpful information used to inform our decision, we offer the following resources for consideration:

We aim to inform the campus community—especially those traveling internationally—in a timely fashion with the latest information and to convey with clarity the inherent risks to international travel due to the Coronavirus. At the same time, any member of the campus community who is scheduled to travel internationally must also conduct the research necessary to make an informed personal decision. Risks include, but are not limited to, government travel restrictions, contracting the Coronavirus, and, in some cases depending on location, limitations of the healthcare system, quarantine and related complexities, and/or special steps imposed by the college or others to monitor one’s health upon returning to the college during the 14-day incubation period, among other things.

We trust this public service announcement is helpful to our campus community and illustrates the seriousness with which we take our responsibility to facilitate a safe and secure learning environment whereby Welch College fulfills its mission to educate leaders to serve Christ, His Church, and His world through biblical thought and life. We look forward to communicating as more information becomes available and as soon as decisions are known. For the time being, do not hesitate to contact either Coach Greg Fawbush or Mr. Craig Mahler, the special committee co-chairs, with any questions.


In His Service,

Special Committee to Review Coronavirus Outbreak

Members, in alphabetical order:

Mr. Matthew Bracey
Coach Greg Fawbush, Co-chair (
Dr. Jon Forlines
Mr. Russell Houske
Dr. Greg Ketteman
Mr. Craig Mahler, Co-chair (

Welch College Announces Nursing Scholarships, Information Session

Welch College has announced new, $1,000 incentive scholarships for eligible students desiring a career in Nursing, according to Dr. Ian Hawkins, Nursing program coordinator at Welch.

“Through the Welch Education Nursing Collaborative, the college offers a seamless 4-year path to a bachelor’s degree in Nursing,” Hawkins said. “New students who apply at Welch by May 15 and meet minimum criteria will receive an additional incentive scholarship of $1,000. Local private-sector employers are providing funds to make the additional financial assistance possible.”

Hawkins reported that a special Nursing Collaborative Information Session will be held March 23 at 6:30 p.m.on the Welch campus in Gallatin in Celorio Hall. The session will explain the academic program, provide a tour of the campus, and offer additional Financial Aid assistance to apply and receive the incentive and other scholarships. Welch College offers scholarships to both traditional and adult students.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges* and the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education accredit Welch College both regionally and nationally.  The college remains one of the most affordable private colleges in the mid-state and is ranked 16th by U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges of regional colleges in the South.

Registration for the Information Session is not necessary, but additional information is available by contacting Dr. Ian Hawkins at

*Welch College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate’s bachelor’s, and master’s degrees. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Welch College.


95 Welch College Students Make President’s and Provost’s Honor Roll

Gallatin, TN—Welch College has awarded academic recognition to 95 students for the fall 2019 semester, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. This honor roll includes adult students whose fall courses ended in late December. “We congratulate these students for their diligence and hard work,” says McAffee. “Our academic efforts ought to be a work of service unto the Lord. These honors are given to that end.”

Thirty-two students made all A’s and were placed on the President’s List—7 seniors, 10 juniors, 10 sophomores, and 5 freshmen.  Sixty-three earned a 3.25 GPA and all A’s and B’s and were placed on the Provost’s list—10 seniors, 20 juniors, 15 sophomores, and 18 freshmen.

President’s List: “A” Honor Roll

Kyra Anderson Freshman TN Nikolette Jones Senior AL
Addison Barnett Sophomore TN Kinsley Kivette Senior TN
Catherine Blades Junior TN Kylah Kivette Sophomore TN
Micah Borck Sophomore TN Mitchell Moody Sophomore TN
Adam Brown Junior IL Abigail Myers Freshman TN
Joshua Burgus Senior TN Jonathan Payne Junior IL
Sara Carman Sophomore TN Ryan Payne Sophomore IL
Blake Chandler Junior TN Sarah Pierce Senior IL
Heather Cutler Sophomore TN Anna Pinson Sophomore TN
Kylie Etterling Freshman OH Chelsea Rackley Freshman NC
Bryson Foulks Junior TN Samuel Rodriguez Sophomore TN
Anna Gedeon Freshman RI Mallie Sharenberger Junior TN
Jacklyn Grizzle Senior TN Rebecca Wall Sophomore NC
Christy Harris Senior NC Kullen Williams Junior TN
Daniel Hubin Senior TN Destinee Woolett Junior SD
Alexander Johnson Junior ES Andrew Yerby Junior AL


Provost’s List: “B” Honor Roll


Matthew Barnett AR Chelsea Holesapple MO
Elisha Cameron GA Jacqueline Hunter TN
Emilee Davis NC Avery Jones OK
Summer Elliott NY Hannah Reynolds RI
James Gates TN Adriana Wright TN



Meredith Baer NC Jami Howell FL
Benjamin Barcroft IL Cheyenne Johnson TN
Mikaela Bullard VA Samuel Lane TN
Sherri Coffey TN Taylor Pate FL
Whitney Crank TN Ashlee Presley TN
Michaela Easley TN Kendal Ryan IL
Hannah Gorrell WV William Walker AL
Hannah Goucher MS Savannah Watts TN
Karah Grooms NC Laurel Woodis TN
Kelsey Horton TN Elizabeth Yerby AL



Emelia Barnett TN Krista Lindsay AL
Sarah Benton NC Victoria Masters NC
Abby Bragg GA Caroline McDonald TN
LeeAnn Branch SC Ashleigh Sage NC
Alyssa Davis NC Abigail Scott NC
Alena Denninger TN Raygan Sellers TN
Michael Fulcher NC Zea Zuniga AR
Ashley Holland TN


Hannah Bernui TN Ethan McCraney VA
Tanner Carson TN Bethany Milling TN
Caleb Creech GA Heather Roberson TN
Naomi Duran TN Olivia Ryan IL
Kaylee Eaton TN Lillian Simpson TN
Joy Green TN Chandler Spradlin AR
Andrea Greenwood TN Callie Stox NC
Maddy Guilfoy MO Noy Thenethamnao SC
Kelli Kelly AL Maggie Walker TN

Welch College Announces Resident Director Opening

Welch College has announced an opening for Resident Director in its women’s residence hall, according to Dr. Jon Forlines, Vice President for Student Services.

“After two years of exemplary service, Rebekah Talbot is stepping down to make more time to care for her growing family,” Forlines said. “We have counted it a sincere privilege to have been able to serve alongside Rebekah and Chris Talbot.”

The women’s Resident Director position will be open after the spring semester. The college seeks a mature Christian role model who can engage in mentoring, spiritual formation, and restorative discipline with dormitory students.

Those interested in applying for this position should email a résumé and cover letter to Jon Forlines at A job description will then be emailed to the applicant. The deadline for receiving résumés is Friday, February 14, 2020.

Welch College Announces $10,000 Scholarships for Preachers

Beginning in 2020, Welch College will begin offering significant scholarship packages of up to $10,000 per year for new students called to preaching ministries, according to Dr. Barry Raper, Coordinator of Ministry Programs at Welch.

“We at Welch are looking for new ways to engage young men who are sensing a divine call to preaching ministry in a local church context,” Raper said. “Often there are significant financial impediments to such students to immerse themselves in educational preparation for ministry. These scholarships are intended to identify high school students who have noted potential for leadership and service to the church and give them the resources they need to fulfill God’s calling.”

The scholarships, which will be for up to $10,000 per year or $40,000 for a four year bachelor’s degree program, will be limited to new and transfer students, beginning in 2020, who are members in good standing of a Free Will Baptist church and who intend to live on campus, major in Pastoral Ministry or Youth and Family Ministry, and move toward eventual ordination. Scholarship applications will require an essay on the student’s vocational ministry goals and a recommendation from an ordained Free Will Baptist minister.

“With demographic changes in our secularizing society, there are fewer young men who are answering the call to gospel ministry,” said Welch president Matt Pinson. “Often those who have answered the call to ministry attend lower-cost community colleges and eventually fail to fulfill their goal of ministry education, or they are dissuaded completely from a ministerial vocation.”

“Welch features a tremendous program of ministry preparation that receives high marks from students and recent graduates,” Pinson continued. “Our aim is to find creative new ways to open up conversations with young men about ministry formation and how they can affordably realize their dream of training for the ministry of the Word.”

“We’re renewing our efforts to reach out to pastors, youth pastors and leaders, and laypeople who can tell us about young men in their congregation who are gifted and qualified for ministry or are sensing a divine call to preach,” Raper said. “We would love to hear from prospective students interested in more information about Welch and these new scholarships, or people interested in recommending a potential student.”

For more information, or to refer a prospective student, please contact Enrollment Services director Daniel Webster at

Welch Nursing Student to Serve on Tennessee Student Nurses Association Board of Directors

Meredith Parrish, one of the first nursing students in the college’s collaborative program with Union University, has been elected to serve as the Middle Regional Director on the Board of Directors for the Tennessee State Board of Student Nurses, according to Welch president Matt Pinson.

“This is a great honor for Miss Parrish and for Welch. It symbolizes the success of our nursing program, especially the 2+2 program with Union University Hendersonville that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing,” Pinson said. Parrish will serve as a liaison to students in local chapters of nursing programs in the Middle Tennessee area.

Dr. Ian Hawkins, Program Coordinator for the Nursing Education Collaborative at Welch, said, “It’s exciting to hear that one of our students in the first nursing cohort with Union has been chosen for this position during her initial semester in the program. This is a great honor.”

Welch College’s nursing program is a 2+2 collaborative that allows students to obtain an associate’s degree with a Pre-Nursing/Biology major at Welch before moving seamlessly into Union University, Belmont University, or Cumberland University to complete their bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Parrish is one of the first students who began the new partnership with Union University Hendersonville in August.

Dr. Charles Lea, Special Assistant to the President at Welch College, worked with each school to develop the collaborative agreement. “Union University Hendersonville has previously only provided adult degree nursing opportunities,” Lea said. “We are very excited to have an undergraduate cohort with them, and to see the success of their excellent, high-quality program demonstrated by the election of Meredith Parrish to this position.”

Miss Parrish stated, “I am thankful for Welch’s nursing partnership with Union, and the many opportunities it has provided.”

For more information on the nursing program at Welch College, contact Ian Hawkins at