Welch Provost Matthew McAffee Publishes Book with Penn State Press

Welch Provost Matthew McAffee Publishes Book with Penn State Press

Pennsylvania State University Press’s Eisenbrauns imprint has published Welch College Provost Matthew McAffee’s book entitled, Life and Mortality in Ugaritic: A Lexical and Literary Study, according to Welch President Matt Pinson. Released in June, McAffee’s book represents a significant revision of his University of Chicago doctoral dissertation.

“We are so pleased to have this new book out from Dr. McAffee,” Pinson said. “He is distinguishing himself as the chief academic leader at Welch and also as Professor of Biblical Studies. He’s a tremendous communicator of biblical truth to all ages and to both general and scholarly audiences. I’m confident this will be the first of many books he will write that will defend the Bible and edify the Church in general and the Free Will Baptist Church in particular.”

The book provides a thorough study of the concepts of life and death in Ugaritic texts. The Ugaritic language is known from a cache of tablets discovered in 1928 in Ras Shamra on the Syrian coast. These texts are dated to the latter part of the second millennium B.C. and provide an important window into the Canaanite culture of the Old Testament world.

This study on life and death from this context provides important background for the beliefs exhibited in the Bible, demonstrating both similarity with and distinction from the biblical worldview. As McAffee explains, “It is clear the biblical authors were expressing these concepts within an ancient Near Eastern context, but they were doing so through the aid of divine revelation. In many instances, the biblical authors are challenging ideas that are found in these texts.”

McAffee is currently under contract for an intermediate textbook on Biblical Hebrew and is working on a book designed to introduce biblical studies to college students. He writes regularly for ONE Magazine. In addition to his most recent article published in Integrity: A Journal of Christian Thought, published by the Commission for Theological Integrity of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, he has authored a number of articles in publications such as Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, and Journal of the American Oriental Society.

McAffee is also a frequent preacher and conference speaker, preaching at churches and association meetings as well as teaching and lecturing on biblical and theological subjects. For more information on Welch College and its associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in theology and ministry, email jcockrell@welch.edu. For information about scheduling Dr. McAffee for a speaking engagement, email tcockrell@welch.edu.

90 Welch College Students Make President’s and Provost’s Lists

The spring 2019 semester at Welch College ended with 90 students receiving academic recognition, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. This honor roll includes both online and Enriched Adult Studies students whose spring courses ended in late May. “We congratulate these students on their academic accomplishments,” says McAffee. “These students are the academic leaders among their peers at Welch College, and we hope their example will encourage others to strive for excellence in their academic work.”

Twenty-four made all A’s and were placed on the President’s List—6 seniors, 5 juniors, 7 sophomores, and 6 freshmen. Sixty-six earned a 3.25 GPA and all A’s and B’s and were placed on the Provost’s list—6 seniors, 14 juniors, 25 sophomores, and 21 freshmen.

President’s List: “A” Honor Roll

Kandace Ailworth Sophomore TN Josh Hunter Senior TN
Meredith Baer Freshman NC Alejandro Johnson Sophomore TN
Addie Barnett Freshman TN Dakota Kron Senior TN
Leif Barrett Freshman TN Kip McNeil Junior TN
Catherine Blades Sophomore TN Hannah Morgan Senior TN
Adam Brown Junior IL Jonathan Payne Sophomore IL
Josh Burgus Junior TN Anna Pinson Freshman TN
Blake Chandler Sophomore TN Daniel Rojas Senior TN
Alyssa Davis Freshman NC Mallie Sharenberger Sophomore TN
Grace Elkins Freshman TN Lizzie Stevanus Senior TN
Jacklyn Grizzle Junior TN Debbie Trifonova Junior BG
Daniel Hubin Senior TN Destinee Woolett Sophomore SD

Provost’s List: “B” Honor Roll

Jacob Austin FL
Adra Brown TN
Keren Delgado AR
Anna Forlines TN
Nikolette Jones AL
Emily Petty IL
Elisha Cameron GA Kinsley Kivette TN
Brenton Driscoll CA Mariah Moore KS
Summer Elliott QC Dan Pappas SC
Emma Guthrie IL Meredith Parrish NC
Chelsea Holesapple MO Sarah Pierce IL
Abby Hunter AR Hannah Reynolds RI
Avery Jones OK Laurel Woodis TN
Riley Bell TN Jolee McClure TN
Hailey Boyer MO Whitney Moody MS
Emilee Davis NC Elaine Park TN
Michaela Easley TN Ashlee Presley TN
Abigail Fawbush TN Kendal Ryan IL
Hannah Gorrell WV Ashley Snipes GA
Hannah Goucher MS Tori Thomsen TN
Ally Greenwood TN Savannah Watts TN
Kelsey Horton TN James Webb AL
Bryan Houser VA Kullen Williams TN
Jami Howell FL Emily Wise TN
Cheyenne Johnson TN Andy Yerby AL
Maks Lutsenko TN
Benjamin Barcroft IL Krista Lindsay AL
Emmie Barnett TN Tori Masters NC
Lauren Batey TN Cody Matlock KS
Micah Borck TN Caroline McDonald TN
LeeAnn Branch SC Kerena Morton VA
Sara Carman TN Alexis Saunders TN
Allie Foust TN Raygan Sellers TN
Gabrielle Hicks KS Gabby Subeh VA
Ashley Holland TN Sydney Walker NC
Daniel Kilgore CA Madison Wright NC
Savannah Kelly AL

TN Department of Education Approves Special Education at Welch College

Welch College received notification that the Tennessee Department of Education’s Office of Educator Licensing and Preparation has approved Welch’s Special Education licensure program for Pre-K through 5th grade and as an additional endorsement for licensed teachers, according to Dr. Greg Ketteman, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Dean of Graduate Education at Welch.

“This represents a major expansion of teacher education offerings at both the graduate and undergraduate levels at Welch,” Ketteman said. “These new programs combine Welch’s commitment to quality and the desire to meet the needs of Christian schools and local public school systems.”

Welch will now offer special education degrees qualifying graduates to be licensed special education teachers. The licensure program is available to both undergraduate teacher education students and graduate students in the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) program. The M.A.T. enrolled its first students in January of this year and anticipates its first master’s graduates in 2020.

The Special Education Track joins accredited M.A.T. tracks in Teaching and in Higher Education Pedagogy as a part of the 33-hour master’s program. Welch Teacher Education faculty are already seeking approval for newly developed M.A.T. tracks in English as a Second Language (ESL) and Instructional Leadership (IL) that will lead to licensure for classroom teachers and school leaders respectively. Enrollment in the M.A. (EL) track opens in the upcoming fall 2019 term followed by M.A. (IL) track enrollment soon thereafter.

Dr. Matthew McAffee, Provost at Welch College, said, “We are excited about this news from the Tennessee Department of Education. Adding special education to our degree programs at Welch, on both the undergraduate and graduate levels, continues our commitment to quality, affordable Christian education in a format easily accessible to full-time students and the working adult.”

For inquiries about enrollment or questions, contact Dr. Greg Ketteman at gketteman@welch.eduor Dr. Etta Patterson at epatterson@welch.edu. More information about the Master of Arts in Teaching is available at https://welch.eduma-teaching/


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TN Department of Education Approves Special Education at Welch College

Welch College Graduates 52 in Commencement Exercises

Welch College conferred degrees on 52 students in its second Commencement exercises on the new campus in Gallatin, TN, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. The Student Activities Center space was converted into a 700-plus seating auditorium for the Baccalaureate service on Thursday evening, May 9, and the Commencement ceremony on Friday morning, May 10. The college awarded degrees in multiple programs, including two-year associate’s degrees, four-year bachelor’s degrees, and the Master of Arts degree in Theology and Ministry. Fifty-two percent of the class graduated with honors.

Dr. Bruce Ashford, provost of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, delivered this year’s Commencement address. Ashford urged graduates not to withdraw from culture but to transform every square inch with the gospel of the kingdom of Christ. Dr. Mark Stripling, pastor of North Little Rock Free Will Baptist Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas, reminded the graduating class at Baccalaureate of God’s faithfulness, calling them to a life of thankfulness and service to Christ.

On Thursday afternoon, May 9, six graduate students received the M.A. in Theology and Ministry and participated in the hooding ceremony, held in the Presidents Dining Room of Celorio Hall. Dr. Jeffrey Cockrell, program coordinator of the M.A. in Theology and Ministry, reflected on their course of study throughout the program and the importance of scriptural exegesis and its faithful application to life and ministry in a secular age. A reception followed for graduates and their families.

President Matt Pinson recognized retiree Sandy Goodfellow on his retirement for thirty-nine years of faithful service as director of plant operations of Welch College. His work in this role was crucial to the successful relocation of the college to Gallatin from its West End campus. Martha Fletcher, executive assistant to the president, was honored for her ten years of distinguished service. Dr. Ron Callaway, Program Coordinator of Intercultural Studies, was named Academic Advisor of the Year for the second year in a row. President Pinson also honored Mr. John Carter by naming him Professor Emeritus of History. Mr. Carter recently retired from his decades of service as history program coordinator and is only the fourth retiree to receive this designation along with Mr. Leroy Forlines, Dr. Robert Picirilli, and Mr. Ralph Hampton (deceased).

The college congratulates the 2019 graduating class and commends them to the service of Christ’s kingdom.

Associate of Science Degrees

Kandace Joyce Ailworth
Pleasant View, Tennessee

Riley Malone Bell
Joelton, Tennessee

Alegna Leelaine Cochran
Cottontown, Tennessee

Madelynn Grace Crawford†
Cave Springs, Arkansas

Victoria Jazmine Crook
Portland, Tennessee

Christy Lynn Harris
Greenville, North Carolina

Anna Elizabeth Kear†
Mount Carmel, Tennessee
Early Childhood

Maggie Rae Parrish
Lake Butler, Florida

Meredith Ashley Parrish
Smithfield, North Carolina

Alexis Marie Saunders
Dover, Tennessee

Ashley Michelle Snipes
Jesup, Georgia

Christopher Devante Thompson
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Associate of Arts Degrees

Daniel James DeCresie
Greenville, North Carolina

Kelsey Renée Horton†
Ashland City, Tennessee

Victoria Elizabeth Thomsen†
Joelton, Tennessee

William Garry Walker†
Spruce Pine, Alabama

Savannah Grace Watts
Pleasant View, Tennessee

Bachelor of Science Degrees

Karlee Elizabeth Alberty*
Chouteau, Oklahoma
Exercise Science

Dalton Warren Alvis**†
Erie, Pennsylvania
General Christian Ministry

Caitlyn Rose Braxton
Greenville, North Carolina
Exercise Science

Adra McClellan Brown*
Nashville, Tennessee

Erica Elizabeth Brown
Alma, Georgia

Brenan Hardy Clyatt
Lake Butler, Florida
Pastoral Ministry

Haley Breanna Cole*
Killen, Alabama

Michaela Lynn Cowart**
North Kingstown, Rhode Island
Music Performance

Ashley Merritt Floyd
Turbeville, South Carolina

Anna Grace Forlines
Hendersonville, Tennessee
General Christian Ministry

Baylea Renee Freeman***
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Joshua Allen Hunter***
Pleasant View, Tennessee
Youth and Family Ministry

Brandon Scott Justice
Wellington, Kansas
Youth and Family Ministry

Dakota Kailyn Kron***
Knoxville, Tennessee
Early Childhood
Licensure PreK-3

Thomas Coveak Moody**
Nashville, Tennessee
General Christian Ministry

Hannah Caroline Morgan***
Cedar Hill, Tennessee
Licensure 6-12

Jonathon Gregory Reed
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Youth and Family Ministry

Elizabeth Kathryn Stevanus**
Pleasant View, Tennessee
Child Development and Learning
Licensure K-5

Kimberly Mikayla Strickland
Jacksonville, North Carolina
Child Development and Learning
Licensure K-5

Michael James Szabo†
Deerfield, Michigan
Business Administration

Erick Lee Werner
Norfolk, Virginia
Business Administration

Erick DeVaughn Wilson
Nashville, Tennessee
Business Administration

Joshua Randall Wright
McKinney, Texas
Business Administration

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Jacob Alexander Austin**
Clarksville, Florida

Michaela Lynn Cowart**
North Kingstown, Rhode Island

Keren Delgado**
Russellville, Arkansas
Intercultural Studies

Corbin Garrett Madden
Crossville, Tennessee
Youth and Family Ministry

Emily Anne Petty
Beecher City, Illinois
Intercultural Studies

Ryan David Whiticker***
Westmoreland, Tennessee

Master of Arts Degrees

Joshua Ray Colson
Johnston City, Illinois
Theology and Ministry

Gregory Randall Fawbush
Greenbrier, Tennessee
Theology and Ministry

Matthew Douglas Honeycutt
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Theology and Ministry

James Michael Keel
Dover, Tennessee
Theology and Ministry

Julie Marie Montero
Hialeah, Florida
Theology and Ministry

Cherish Christine Steigauf
Nashville, TN
Theology and Ministry

*** Summa Cum Laude – 3.75
** Magna Cum Laude – 3.50
* Cum Laude – 3.25
† Not Present

Congressman and Dr. Black Receive Welch’s Strong and Courageous Award

Congressman Diane Black and Dr. David Black were presented the Strong and CourageousAward honoring their Christian faith and service in Sumner County, according to Dr. Charles Lea, Special Assistant to the President. The award was presented during the May 13 second annual Welch College Strong and Courageous Banquet, sponsored by Sumner Regional Medical Center and HighPoint Health System.

In introducing the award recipients, Lea noted the many accomplishments and Christian example of this special couple. Congressman Black has helped people through her service as a registered nurse, her instruction as an educator at Vol State Community College, and her work as a state representative, state senator, and member of the United States House of Representatives.

Dr. David Black, a nationally renowned toxicologist, is the founder of Aegis Science Corporation, which he led from its formation in 1990 until September 2016. Dr. Black is well known for his collection of Bibles and historical documents linking his love of country and the Christian faith.

Approximately 250 individuals attended the sold out community event on the Welch College campus. The evening began with a special rendition of the national anthem performed by State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver. Welch College ensemble Rejoice!provided music before Congressman John Rose presented a challenge and testimony.

The ancient leader of Israel, Joshua, portrayed by Greg Wilson, also made an appearing to share with the audience. Welch President Matt Pinson shared the college’s mission as a Christian community of faith and learning. Event patrons, along with event speakers, enjoyed an opening reception hosted by President and Mrs. Pinson in the Presidents Dining Room in Celorio Hall.

Although donations continue to be received, the Strong and Courageousevent has raised over $80,000 for student scholarships at Welch.

Welch Provost Matthew McAffee Publishes Book with Penn State Press

Welch College Signs Articulation Agreement with New Orleans Seminary

Earlier this month Welch College signed an articulation agreement with New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) for transfer of credit, according to Kevin Hester, Dean of the School of Theology and Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness at Welch. “This agreement, signed May 2019, will provide an easy pathway for Welch College graduates into graduate degree programs at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary,” Hester said. “This transfer-of-credit agreement is a pre-approval of Welch College courses for comparable New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary courses.” “Graduates from Welch College’s Master of Arts (M.A.) in Theology and Ministry may transfer twenty-seven hours of the thirty-three-hour program into the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Such a graduate could complete his or her first year of seminary study at Welch College and complete the remainder of NOBTS’s three-year M.Div. in two additional years of study.” The agreement also states that graduates of Welch College’s bachelor’s degree programs in ministry studies with a grade of “B” in associated courses will receive up to twenty-three hours of credit or 25% of the required coursework in NOBTS’s accelerated M.Div. program. All Welch graduates with sufficient coursework will enjoy advanced standing at the seminary. The agreement also allows students who have taken Welch Greek and Hebrew courses to move seamlessly into more advanced language courses as NOBTS. “Our work with New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in securing this articulation agreement provides an important external confirmation of the excellence of our existing biblical, theological, and ministry programs on the graduate and undergraduate level and will prove very helpful to our graduates moving forward,” Hester said. “New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is a conservative Baptist seminary which has given voice to the Arminian side of the Baptist tradition. I pray that this relationship will be fruitful for both institutions for many years to come.” Questions about Welch College’s M.A. in Theology and Ministry or undergraduate programs in biblical studies, theology, or ministry can be directed to Dr. Jeff Cockrell, Program Coordinator of the M.A. in Theology and Ministry, at (615) 675-5255 or jcockrell@welch.edu.