Cockrell to Leave Welch

Apr 23, 2020

Welch College officials recently learned from Dr. Jeff Cockrell, Associate Professor of New Testament and Program Coordinator for the M.A. in Theology and Ministry, that he would be resigning from Welch effective May 31 of this year, according to Provost Matthew McAffee.

Cockrell came to Welch in 2016 after three decades in pastoral ministry to help start the college’s newly formed M.A. in Theology and Ministry. His wife Terri serves as McAffee’s administrative assistant and office manager for the Academic Office at Welch.

“Dr. Cockrell will be greatly missed. He came to us at just the right time and did a great job getting our master’s program off the ground as well as teaching. He has been good for us, and though he feels the time is right for him to move into this new position, I hate to see him go,” McAffee said.

Cockrell has accepted an administrative position at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology near his home. He had been in talks with TCAT some while before the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Terri and I love Welch,” Cockrell said. “I led every church I pastored to support Welch in prayer, giving, and students, and it was such an honor to be invited to come and get the M.A. program off to a good start. I believe we’ve done good work that will last into the future and have a tremendous impact on our denomination. I treasure my relationships at Welch and look forward to great things happening there.”