A Message from President Pinson

Jan 3, 2018

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

I trust you had a restful holiday and are enjoying a good New Year thus far. I am writing you to share with you a prayer request. Earlier this (Wednesday) evening, a water pipe in the Music wing of Celorio Hall burst and flooded the entire wing, with water also entering some into Common Grounds, the auditorium, and the area under the stage.

Servpro has already begun work drying and dehumidifying the building. They believe the building will be dry and ready to start classes on January 16, but restoration work will need to continue after the beginning of the semester at times that will not interrupt classes. Our insurance company, Brotherhood Mutual, has been notified and has already begun processing the claim.

Please pray that the work will go smoothly and that the beginning of the spring semester will be minimally affected. Also, please pray for financial provision for this unexpected emergency, since the college will have to pay a deductible to get the necessary work completed.

We are praying for a great spring semester at Welch and are so eager to welcome you all back.

See you soon.
In Christ,
Matt Pinson, President

P.S. We are asking everyone to stay away from this area. Employees whose offices are in this building can gain access via Mr. Craig Mahler.