Dr. Peter J. Williams, Warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge University, England, will deliver a series of guest lectures during the 2015 Leroy Forlines Lectures at Welch College, according to President Matt Pinson. The presentations are scheduled for September 22, 9:00-12:00, in Memorial Auditorium on the Welch campus.
The Leroy Forlines Lectures began in 1993 at Welch College as a means of bringing well known speakers to campus who could address challenging issues of the day related to theology, philosophy, worldviews, global evangelism, and other topics.
Peter J. Williams earned his M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. at Cambridge University studying ancient languages related to the Bible. Williams originally planned to become a Bible translator, but after seeing how many students of the Bible did not recognize its authority, Williams decided to change his professional direction and become an evangelical scholar in order to advance confessional scholarship.
After receiving his Ph.D., Williams accepted a post-doctoral position in the Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge University from 1997-1998 and thereafter taught Hebrew and Old Testament at Cambridge as an Affiliated Lecturer and as a Research Fellow in Old Testament at Tyndale House, a college of Cambridge University (1998-2003). Williams then transitioned to teaching New Testament at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
Williams received the position as Warden of the Tyndale House four years later. He now acts as Warden and as an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies at the University of Aberdeen. Williams is married to Kathryn and they have two children, Magdalena and Leo.
“What a privilege it is to have Dr. Williams on our campus to deliver the Forlines Lectures,” President Pinson said. “His scholarly ability is surpassed only by his love for the Bible and his commitment to its authority in a postmodern age. It will be a distinct honor having him on our campus and learning from him.”