Rejoice! Ministry Team Announced

Nov 10, 2020

The 2020-2021 Rejoice! Ministry Team has been selected, according to Daniel Webster, director of the group. “After extensive tryouts and interviews, I’m pleased to announce that we have finalized selections for this year’s team. We had a great number of quality musicians to choose from, but we finally selected these students to be our representatives for this year.

Female members of the group are Meredith Baer, Erin Goucher, Krista Lindsay, Sarah Lovett, Abby Myers, Raygan Sellers, and Elizabeth Yerby. Male members are Ben Barcroft, Sam Lane, Mason McClure, and Samuel Rodriguez. Jesse Viers will be the sound technician.

The group will likely not be able to travel as extensively in the spring semester as groups have in the past due to COVID-19, but it is hopeful that some limited travel will be possible, and that the group will be able to enjoy a full summer tour. Plans are being made for the group to use a video recording that will be made available to churches. According to Mr. Webster, “We see this as a way to have a presence in our churches even in the midst of the pandemic. A video produced by Rejoice! in the spring broke the record for number of views by any Welch College video. We think the songs we produce will be received equally well.”

Congratulations to this group of young people. Please pray for them as they rehearse and prepare to serve.