Welch College Announces Two Resident Director Openings

Feb 2, 2018

Welch College has announced two openings for Resident Directors in its men’s and women’s residence halls, according to Dr. Jon Forlines, Vice President for Student Services.

“After several years of stable occupancy and management in these positions, our men’s and women’s Resident Director positions will both be open after this spring semester,” Forlines said. “We’re seeking mature Christian role models for our students who can engage in mentoring, spiritual formation, and restorative discipline with dorm students on our new campus in Gallatin, Tennessee.”

Those interested in applying for either of the positions should email a résumé and cover letter to Jon Forlines at jforlines@welch.edu with Resident Director typed in the subject line. A job description will then be emailed to the applicant. The deadline for receiving résumés is Friday, February 16, 2018.