Welch College Hires Key New Staff

Nov 20, 2017

GALLATIN, TN—Russell Houske and Lynn Sharenberger have been hired as the new Facilities Services Manager and Receptionist, respectively, according to President Matt Pinson. The Facilities Services Manager role is a newly created position that will complement the plant operations department by managing the cosmetic aspects of maintenance and campus beautification. Sharenberger fills the vacancy left by Emily Vickery who moved with her husband to Cambridge, England.

Houske, a Welch alumnus, graduated with an Associate’s degree in Ministry in 2013 and a Bachelor’s degree in Theological Studies in 2017. He also holds a degree and licensure from Volunteer State Community College. He previously worked for the National Park Service at Fort Donelson National Battlefield and National Cemetery with grounds and facility maintenance. While there he also managed the Youth Conservation Corps student workers during the summer. He is a nationally and state licensed paramedic, and previously served as Paramedic Captain for Stewart County Emergency Medicine.

Mr. Houske, an ordained minister, served seven years as associate and youth pastor at Pleasant Hill Free Will Baptist Church in Dover, Tennessee. Currently, he is pastor of Carlisle Free Will Baptist church in Dover. “The mission of Welch College is actively being carried out on campus every day, and I consider it an honor to be a part of this ministry,” Houske said. “Each day on campus is a new opportunity to engage the students and to worship alongside the faculty and staff through service. I believe that we can all be excited about the future of Welch College and its continued influence for Christ.”

Russell and his wife, Amber, have four children: Jacob, a freshman at Welch, Jackson (15), Carleigh (14), and Cayden (12).

Sharenberger, a native of Turbeville, South Carolina, graduated from Welch in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science in Music/Business. During college she began work as an assistant in the Trust Department of Nashville City Bank and eventually became Vice President in Cash Management Services. While homeschooling her daughter, Sharenberger also taught piano, served as a church pianist, and established the Community Kidz Choir Summer Music Camp and the eXalt Teen Music Camp. Lynn and her husband, A. J., have a daughter, Mallie, who is a freshman at Welch.

“I am excited to return to Welch and have been delighted to renew so many old friendships while making new ones,” Sharenberger said. “We believe Welch is well positioned to make a tremendous impact on this generation in times like these where truth and light is so desperately needed.”

“I’m so excited about these important new staff additions,” President Pinson said. “Mr. Houske and Mrs. Sharenberger both bring a love for Welch and tremendous expertise to what they do. We’re so happy to have them both as members of the Welch family.”