Welch College Receives Approval for Math Ed

Sep 24, 2019

Welch College has received approval for a Mathematics Education endorsement for grades 6 through 12 from the Tennessee Department of Education’s (TDOE) Educator Licensing and Preparation division, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. The program will enable middle and high school teachers to receive a licensed endorsement in mathematics education.

“There is a great need for well-qualified mathematics teachers in public and Christian schools,” McAffee said. “This new program strategically positions Welch to help fill this void with teachers who are committed to the influence of Christ’s kingdom in the world.”

Welch College offers multiple pathways for Mathematics 6-12 endorsement. Pathways for teaching licensure include undergraduate student teaching clinical practice, post-baccalaureate student teaching clinical practice, and post-baccalaureate job-embedded clinical practice programs.

Middle and secondary mathematics educators are in high demand at both the state and national levels. This has led TDOE to identify Mathematics Education as high-demand endorsement area.

“We are excited about this new program,” Stephen Beck, Associate Undergraduate Dean of Education, said, “Training Christian leaders for STEM-related careers helps support the mission of Welch College and opens multiple doors of opportunity for ministry and employment at national and international levels.”

For inquiries about teacher education, contact Undergraduate Dean of Education Dr. Etta Patterson at epatterson@welch.edu. For specific questions about the Mathematics Education program, contact Stephen Beck at sbeck@welch.edu.