Welch Enrollment Dips amid COVID

Oct 5, 2021

GALLATIN, TN—Welch College enrolled 336 students for the fall semester 2021, according to Matthew McAffee, Provost of Welch College, a nearly 6 percent drop from last fall’s enrollment. This marks the second year in a row that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on enrollment. 

“We’re grateful for the Lord’s guidance as we have weathered the challenges of a global pandemic,” McAffee said. “While enrollment has not yet bounced back to pre-COVID norms, it demonstrates a stabilizing effect from the fallout created by a worldwide pandemic. Our fall numbers signal His continued providential care and our institutional health.” 

Traditional dormitory enrollment declined the most, owing to the lack of normal recruiting last year because of COVID-19, as well as last year’s larger-than-normal graduating class. Graduate studies, adult and online studies, and dual enrollment showed gains. 

“All in all, despite traditional enrollment being down, this year represents some enrollment stabilization,” McAffee explained. “While our first COVID fall enrollment last year drove full-time equivalency (FTE) enrollment down from 307 to 254, a drop of more than 17 percent, this year the FTE enrollment was down only 5.5 percent.”

At press time the college reported 135 dormitory students, 46 commuter students, 37 graduate students, 25 Adult Studies students, 42 Online Studies students, and 60 dual enrollment students. Full-time equivalency (FTE) was 240 students. Total enrollment statistics indicate students from 18 states, one territory, and four foreign countries. 

This fall 70 new students enrolled in traditional on-campus programs at Welch, an increase over last fall’s number of new students, which was 63. “The last year-and-a-half has created challenges for higher education, especially at small Christian colleges that enroll a lot of out-of-state students, and Welch is no exception,” President Matt Pinson said. “But God has taken care of us, and he continues to provide for our needs.”

“We’re thankful for all of our incoming students,” Pinson continued. “Students are so positive about life at the college and in the classroom, and they’re hopeful about the future. COVID has had a negative impact on enrollment. Schools like ours have had a tough time during COVID, not being able to send recruiters out or have big on-campus recruitment events for so long because of the pandemic. Yet things are stable, and we’re praying for an even greater return to normalcy next year.”

For more information about Welch College, email recruit@welch.edu or visit the college’s website at www.welch.edu.