Welch Marks Highest Fall Enrollment in 34 Years

Sep 21, 2018

For the Fall 2018 semester, Welch College enrolled the highest number of students in 34 years, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. Total enrollment statistics indicate 404 students from 22 states and five foreign countries.

“I am delighted to see this impressive increase in our enrollment numbers,” McAffee said. “We pray the Lord will continue His transformative work in the lives of these students He has entrusted to our care.”

“Particularly exciting is the increase in new students this year, both freshmen and transfer students,” McAffee said. This fall 93 new students enrolled in on-campus programs at Welch, a 21% increase from last year’s new freshman and transfer enrollment of 77. A total of 116 new students joined the student body for the new school year, including graduate, online, and adult studies enrollments. 1984 was the last year fall enrollment was higher, with a headcount of 417.

At press time the college reported 200 dormitory students, 53 commuter students, 27 graduate students, 18 Enriched Adult Studies students, 38 Online/Lifetime Learning students, and 68 dual enrollment students. The fall’s full-time equivalency (FTE) is 300 students, the highest in 12 years.

President Matt Pinson said, “We’re thankful to God for this blessing of another increase in dormitory and FTE enrollment. This is the most dorm students we’ve had in many years, and we’re grateful to the Lord for His providential blessing. In a time when most college and university dorm enrollment is flat or declining, it’s wonderful to see ours going up.”

President Pinson continued, “I commend Daniel Wester, Debbie Mouser, and the entire enrollment team for their diligent work in bringing in this excellent class of new students, our largest incoming class since 2006.”

To contact Welch College for more information, email recruit@welch.edu or visit the college’s website at www.welch.edu.