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Welch College Vice President for Financial Affairs, Craig Mahler, recently announced upcoming staffing changes in the Business Office. Jill Ketteman, who has served at the college nearly twenty years will retire on August 3. Additionally, Leigh Ann Smith recently...
GALLATIN, TN—Welch College men’s basketball team has agreed to play Presbyterian College next season according to Greg Fawbush, Athletic Director and head men’s basketball coach. This will be the first time in the history of the college that a Welch athletic team will...
Welch College’s total annual enrollment totaled 436 for the 2017-18 year, marking the highest enrollment in 33 years, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. “Recently, our highest enrollment was in 2006, with a total head count of 420,” McAffee said. “We are thrilled...
Welch College has named Russell Houske as Men’s Resident Director at Welch College and Rebekah Talbot as Women’s Resident Director, according to Jon Forlines, Vice President for Student Services. “We are pleased to announce that Mr. Houske and Mrs. Talbot will be...
Welch College and HomeLife Academy have completed a dual enrollment agreement that will speed the admissions process for HLA students who want to enroll at Welch for college credit under the Tennessee Dual Enrollment Grant program, according to Dr. Greg Ketteman, Vice...
Welch College has recently added a new B.A. degree program for students interested in the humanities and arts, according to Welch Provost Matthew McAffee. “This interdisciplinary program will provide new avenues for helping students to be creators of culture that will...
Dr. Robert E. Picirilli and Dr. Claude Pressnell, Jr. will address the Welch College class of 2018, according to President Matt Pinson. Robert Picirilli, professor emeritus and former academic dean at Welch College, will present the baccalaureate sermon Thursday...
Welch College President Matt Pinson announced today a new event to celebrate the Christian faith in our community: Strong and Courageous. The event, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. on the Welch College campus, will include entertainment, inspirational speakers, and the awarding...
The 39-voice Welch College Choir will give seven performances March 14-20 in a seven-day tour through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois, according to David Williford, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Dr. James Stevens, choir conductor and...
Welch College received notification that it has been certified as a 2018 Best Christian Workplace in the United States, according to Dr. Kevin Hester, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness. This is the fourth time the college has participated in the BCW...
Welch College recently announced a new expanded summer school program for the Summer of 2018, according to Dr. Charles Lea, Special Assistant to the President at Welch College. “College students who are home for the summer from both public and private colleges and...
The Association of Business Administrators of Christian Colleges (ABACC) recognized Welch College Vice President for Financial Affairs Craig Mahler as the 2018 H. G. Faulkner Distinguished Business Officer of the Year, according to President Matt Pinson. ABACC, a...