by jowens | Apr 16, 2021
Dear Welch College Community:
I wanted to write you with an update on Commencement activities on May 7th. Our R.s.v.p. survey of the Classes of 2020 and 2021 has led us to move from hosting three Commencement ceremonies to hosting only two. (Originally we were planning three ceremonies in the morning, afternoon, and evening.)
Thus on May 7th, we will host two ceremonies, one at 10:00 a.m. central time and the other at 2:00 p.m. central time:
- The first ceremony, which will be held at 10:00 a.m. central time, will be for the bachelor’s degree recipients of the Class of 2021.
- The second ceremony, which will be held at 2:00 p.m. central time, will be for (1) the associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degree recipients of the Class of 2020 as well as (2) the associate’s and master’s degree recipients of the Class of 2021.
Owing to physical distancing requirements surrounding COVID-19, seating will be unavailable for unticketed guests. Both Commencement ceremonies will be live-streamed for individuals to view. Welch students are invited to view the live-stream on their own devices and then congratulate graduates after both ceremonies.
We will host a virtual awards ceremony for the Class of 2021 and current Welch students on Thursday, May 6th, at 10:00 a.m. central time. Details about how to watch this ceremony will be sent soon.
Because of the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, there will be no graduate breakfast or Baccalaureate service. There will also be no separate hooding ceremony for master’s degree recipients.
Further details about other Commencement-related activities will be communicated in the near future. For more information, please email Whitney Lute in the Provost’s Office (
I want to thank you for your patience with us as we navigate these situations in a difficult set of circumstances owing to COVID-19. We look forward to celebrating with you this momentous occasion in your journey. We have been praying for you and are excited about what God is already doing and is going to do through you for His kingdom.
Matt Pinson
by jowens | Apr 15, 2021
Welch College, (Gallatin, TN) will be hosting a comprehensive accreditation visit by a team of evaluators from the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) April 19-22, 2021 to determine its compliance with the standards for accreditation. During the visit, representatives of the ABHE team will entertain comments from the public. Any members of the public interested in making a presentation regarding the College to the team should contact the College at the following telephone number (615) 675-5322 or email address ( to determine a meeting time. Persons wishing to submit third-party comments related to the institution may send them to Dr. Ron Kroll, Director, Commission on Accreditation, 5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Suite 130, Orlando, FL, 32822. Persons interested in reviewing the standards for accreditation will find them on the ABHE website at They appear under “about accreditation.” The institution is subject to the Institutional Accreditation Standards.
At present, the visiting team anticipates meeting with any individuals who would like to make a public comment on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, between the hours of 3:00-4:00 pm CDT. Individuals who would like to make comments in person should report to the front desk of Coffman Hall on the Campus of Welch College (1045 Bison Trail, Gallatin, Tennessee 37066) prior to 3:15 pm on this day. Depending on the number of people participating, the amount of time a particular individual is given to speak will be strictly limited (3-5 minutes).
by jowens | Mar 31, 2021
Tim Owen, highly respected pastor and denominational leader, will become the Director of the Welch Fund for Welch College, according to David Williford, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
Owen, a Florida native, is a 1982 graduate of Welch. His wife Karen is also a graduate. Most of Owen’s ministry was spent in his home state of Florida where he served three churches for thirty years. He was also active in state leadership, serving as moderator of the Florida State Association of Free Will Baptists for sixteen years.
In addition to his work in Florida, Tim served on the board of directors of Randall House Publications for fourteen years with the last eight as board chairman. Tim’s most recent ministry was Director of Events at Randall House. The experience gained in that ministry works well with the special fundraising events he will coordinate as Director of the Welch Fund.
Williford said, “We are thrilled to have Tim join our team at Welch. He brings immense credibility with pastors and leaders. This position requires trust on the part of those who will accept him as a representative of the college, and he has spent a lifetime developing that trust. We welcome him to Welch.”
“I’m excited to join the team at my alma mater,” Owen said. “My wife and I are both graduates of Welch, as are two of our sons. The college has made a huge impact on lives around the world, and I’m excited to be part of what God is doing there. There is a great opportunity for an institution like ours to impact the lives of young people. I’m happy to be part of telling the Welch story to donors, parents, and prospective students.”
President Matt Pinson said, “I’ve known and respected Tim Owen for many years. An experienced and successful pastor when I began my ministry in West Florida, he was an encouragement to me as a young pastor. I’ve greatly admired the combination of professionalism and love for people that has characterized his ministry. He’ll be a tremendous asset to us here at Welch.”
Owen will begin his work at Welch April 1. He can be reached at
by jowens | Mar 30, 2021
After ten years as Director of the Welch Fund, Dr. Mike Edwards has announced that he and his wife Karen will be leaving Welch College, according to David Williford, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Welch.
Edwards will assume the role of Head of School at Faith Christian Academy in Effingham, South Carolina. FCA is a ministry of the Lebanon Free Will Baptist Church, where the Edwardses’ son Chris serves as Associate Pastor. Edwards’s new responsibilities begin June 1.
The Edwardses have served Welch College for more than fifteen years in two different stints of employment. They first served as resident directors from 1992 to 1997 while Mike was a student. Upon their return to Welch in 2011, Mike and Karen again assumed the role of resident directors in addition to his responsibilities directing the Welch Fund. Karen also served as manager of West End, the student snack shop and WelchWear store.
“Karen and I have thoroughly enjoyed our ministry at Welch,” Edwards said. “We had anticipated finishing our ministry here, but we’ve been given the opportunity to serve alongside our son in the ministry at the Lebanon Free Will Baptist my Church in Effingham, SC. I think most fathers would find it difficult to turn down the opportunity that has come my way. Karen and I are grateful to Welch for the wonderful years we’ve spent here. We have nothing but love in our hearts for the college and its ministry.”
Williford said, “Mike came here ten years ago as a stranger to me. Over the years, he has become one of my dearest friends and confidants. His cooperative spirit and gung-ho attitude have been the trademarks that characterized his ministry. He refined and expanded the work of the Office of Institutional Advancment and leaves it a much better place than he found it.”
President Matt Pinson said, “Mike and Karen were dorm dad and mom to hundreds of young men during their time at Welch. Mike has represented the college with impeccable character and class. Melinda and I love these choice servants of God, and we’re going to miss them dearly here at Welch. But we’re confident they’re following divine guidance and are going to flourish there in South Carolina.”
Edwards will continue to serve Welch in two capacities. He will serve as a regional representative for the states of North and South Carolina, and he will also continue his role as Adjunct Instructor in the online program of the college.
by jowens | Mar 29, 2021
Dr. Mary Ruth Wisehart, long-time Welch professor, died earlier this morning. She was 88 years old.
Dr. Wisehart began teaching at Welch in January of 1956 and continued until 1985. After graduating from Welch in 1955, she received her M.A. and Ph.D. in English from George Peabody College in Nashville, now a part of Vanderbilt University.
Dr. Wisehart taught English, speech, literature, and Spanish. She also helped collect and organize much of the historical information about the college’s early years. After leaving Welch, she served thirteen years as the Executive Director of Women Nationally Active for Christ, the national women’s organization of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.
Please join the college family in prayers for the family and friends of Mary Ruth Wisehart, as well as in prayers of thanks for her enduring work for the kingdom of God.
by jowens | Mar 19, 2021
Welch College, (Gallatin, TN) will be hosting a comprehensive accreditation visit by a team of evaluators from the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) April 19-22, 2021 to determine its compliance with the standards for accreditation. During the visit, representatives of the ABHE team will entertain comments from the public. Any members of the public interested in making a presentation regarding the College to the team should contact the College at the following telephone number (615) 675-5322 or email address ( to determine a meeting time. Persons wishing to submit third-party comments related to the institution may send them to Dr. Ron Kroll, Director, Commission on Accreditation, 5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Suite 130, Orlando, FL, 32822. Persons interested in reviewing the standards for accreditation will find them on the ABHE website at They appear under “about accreditation.” The institution is subject to the Institutional Accreditation Standards.