An Urgent Letter from Welch College President Matt Pinson

Dear Friend of Welch College,

With the Coronavirus pandemic, we are in a situation that is unparalleled in our nation’s history. Never before have we experienced shelter at home orders and the mass closure of many businesses, schools, and social gatherings. The revenue lost to our economy is in the trillions because of lay-offs, closures, and job losses.  No one is sure how long it will take for us to recover.

Welch College, like most colleges and universities across the country, was forced to send students home to complete the semester online. Our students have been resilient and have praised our faculty and staff for their continued investment in them. Yet they’re eager to return to campus and engage in a traditional classroom learning environment.

We are looking forward to starting classes on campus in the fall. However, many students who want to be here fear they will not be able to attend. In fact, higher education analysts are predicting a significant decline in enrollment this year. Much of that decline will result from the lack of funds because of job losses in their families. Furthermore, the majority of our students depend on summer jobs to save money for their education, and those have not been available.

That’s why I’m writing this letter: to appeal to you to help these young people who want a Christ-centered education but cannot afford it because of this pandemic. We need your help for the many students who want to join us this fall but won’t be able to without it.

I don’t know how the pandemic has affected you financially. You may say, “Matt, I’m one of the ones out of work. I’d love to help, but I just can’t.” To you I say, “I understand.” Will you join me in daily prayer that God will move on the hearts of those who can help?

But you may be one whose job and income was not hurt by the crisis. I appeal to you to make a special gift that will directly impact students. We don’t want a single individual who hopes to be at Welch to be kept away because of the lack of funds. Your generosity will make the difference for them.

In my tenure as president, I have typically refrained from “crisis appeal” letters. Yet if there has ever been a crisis as it relates to our young people’s ability to be in school this fall, this is it. Will you respond? Students will begin making final decisions soon, and I want to be able to tell them that Welch’s supporters believe in them.

If you want to help, you can give at or send a check to us at 1045 Bison Trail, Gallatin, TN 37066. Will you let us hear from you? The future of a student from your area may depend on it.

In Christ,

Matt Pinson

Welch Announces Changes to Summer Activities for 2020

After the cancellation of multiple summer events owing to the potential spread of COVID-19, Welch College has cancelled all on-campus youth events and suspended the travel of Welch student representatives, according to David Williford, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

“It was not an easy decision to cancel the tours of the Rejoice! and Evangels ministry teams and not send out camp reps,” Williford said. “Yet, based on the information we have at this time, we think this is best for our campus community and for those youth and youth sponsors who would be traveling to and from our campus.”

Daniel Webster, Director of Enrollment, works closely with these visiting groups and trains Welch student reps for conferences and camps. “We’re sad about these cancellations. Hosting youth events like Welch Summer Camp and E-TEAM Missions is the highlight of my department’s summer,” Webster said, “With the cancellation of the Truth & Peace Youth Leadership Conference and several summer camps, we realize now that many cancellations are occurring. We informed our student reps that cancellations were coming so that they could look for summer work.”

Relatedly, the college hosts other events and two external groups who utilize college facilities each summer. After conferring with both the Cumberland Valley School of Gospel Music and the Steve Hurst School of Music, it was determined the COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to cancel those events for this summer.

Craig Mahler, Vice President for Financial Affairs, said, “Though the impact of this global pandemic creates many challenges, the priority of both the college and our denominational and other Christian ministry partners is to maintain an environment that allows for the well-being of our college family and summer guests. We look forward to our guests’ return in the summer of 2021.”

The college continues with preparations to welcome students to the campus for residential learning in late August. Campus leaders are planning a release of detailed plans that allow for a safe return to the campus by the week of August 16.

Welch College Class of 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony Announced

Welch College President Matt Pinson and Provost Matthew McAffee will host a Virtual Awards Ceremony for the Class of 2020 on Thursday, May 14, at 7:00 p.m (CST).This special event will recognize student, faculty, and staff honors typically awarded each year during the Awards Chapel and the Commencement ceremony.

This ceremony held as a Zoom Webinar will also be made available for people to attend via Facebook Live. Information on how to join is forthcoming.

We are so excited about this opportunity to honor our graduating class. Friends, family, and alumni are invited to join us in this special celebration.

Join Awards Ceremony

Password: Award

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Welch Sets New Record—Highest Enrollment in 36 Years

Welch College’s total annual enrollment totaled 489 for the 2019-20 academic year, marking the highest enrollment in 36 years, according to Provost Matthew McAffee. “We are thrilled by this headcount and believe it shows we’re gaining significant momentum in enrollment growth,” McAffee said.

Registrar Sharon Rodgers completed final enrollment statistics for the 2019-20 year, after registration for the third session for the Adult Studies programs was complete.

“The college’s highest annual enrollment was in 1981, with a total of 648; I’m thrilled to say we have exceeded our 1984 total enrollment of 467,” said Daniel Webster, Director of Enrollment Services, who has been closely monitoring the college’s enrollment history. “Over the past four years, we have seen a 43% increase in annual headcount, from 341 in 2016 to this year’s total of 489.”

“We’re so pleased to see this rebound in enrollment from our difficult years back in the Recession of 2008-09,” President Matt Pinson said. “With the dawn of this COVID-19 pandemic, our faculty and staff are rising up in amazing ways to meet this new challenge, and our students are responding wonderfully. While these are difficult times, we’re confident that God will see us through the days ahead.”

College officials credit the college’s relocation to its new campus in Gallatin, Tennessee, with much of the recent growth. “While the name change and new campus have contributed to this growth, the dedication and hard work of every person who plays a part in marketing, recruitment, and admissions for Welch College continues to amaze me,” added Webster.

For more information about Welch, visit To apply to be part of the fall 2020 class at Welch, email

Message to Welch College Residential Students: Dorm Move-out Appointments

Thank you for your patience and prayers as we have navigated together the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 storm. We are encouraged that President Trump, Tennessee Governor Lee, and other state and local officials are now implementing a phased lifting of “Safer at Home” executive orders. As a result, Welch College will schedule Dorm Move-out appointments as planned beginning May 4 through May 15, 2020.

The Welch Special Committee on Coronavirus has conferred with local officials, including leaders in the medical community, about a planned, controlled dorm move-out process. Medical officials with whom we have consulted deem the planned process to be appropriate and in accord with social distancing guidelines.

Students who return for dorm room move-out are required to observe the guidelines published earlier (e.g., no entry into campus buildings other than their dormitory, observation of social distancing practices while on campus, frequent handwashing, and covering coughs/sneezes). (See the information communicated originally here.) No one with a temperature of greater than 100 degrees is allowed to enter the buildings; therefore, temperature checks are required upon arrival (for students and their guests). Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or greater must reschedule for a later date. Furthermore, a face mask/covering (not provided by Welch College) is required during move out. Students must leave the campus no later than the ending time of their appointment. The College has arranged to disinfect public areas in dormitories daily during scheduled dorm move-outs, unless, due to a large number of appointments, multiple cleanings are advisable.

Dorm move-out appointment times occur on Monday, May 4 through Friday, May 15* as follows:

  • 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.
  • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

To schedule your dorm move-out appointment, see your college email. If you have questions or need assistance, email the Special Committee on Coronavirus at

We greatly appreciate your many expressions of support and encouragement, and we look forward to seeing you on campus again soon!

Special Committee on Coronavirus

Members, in alphabetical order:
Matthew Steven Bracey
Greg Fawbush, Co-chair
Dr. Jon Forlines
Russell Houske
Dr. Greg Ketteman
Craig Mahler, Co-chair

Cockrell to Leave Welch

Welch College officials recently learned from Dr. Jeff Cockrell, Associate Professor of New Testament and Program Coordinator for the M.A. in Theology and Ministry, that he would be resigning from Welch effective May 31 of this year, according to Provost Matthew McAffee.

Cockrell came to Welch in 2016 after three decades in pastoral ministry to help start the college’s newly formed M.A. in Theology and Ministry. His wife Terri serves as McAffee’s administrative assistant and office manager for the Academic Office at Welch.

“Dr. Cockrell will be greatly missed. He came to us at just the right time and did a great job getting our master’s program off the ground as well as teaching. He has been good for us, and though he feels the time is right for him to move into this new position, I hate to see him go,” McAffee said.

Cockrell has accepted an administrative position at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology near his home. He had been in talks with TCAT some while before the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Terri and I love Welch,” Cockrell said. “I led every church I pastored to support Welch in prayer, giving, and students, and it was such an honor to be invited to come and get the M.A. program off to a good start. I believe we’ve done good work that will last into the future and have a tremendous impact on our denomination. I treasure my relationships at Welch and look forward to great things happening there.”