Guthrie Named Interim Head Volleyball Coach

Emma Guthrie has been named interim head volleyball coach for Welch College for the 2020 volleyball season, according to Athletic Director Greg Fawbush. Guthrie will graduate from Welch in May with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology.  A four-year starter for the Lady Flames, Emma was recognized as an all-regional player the past three years.

“Emma is a logical choice to lead the Lady Flames next season,” Fawbush said. “As a student athlete, she demonstrated her desire to experience both spiritual and emotional growth. As the Welch community navigates the unprecedented circumstances of completing the spring semester remotely and the ensuing limitations created for our Christian community of faith and learning, Emma’s understanding of the culture of Welch College’s athletic department will be an invaluable asset.”

Coach Fawbush will continue managing volleyball duties until Guthrie transitions into the role beginning June 1. For information about volleyball or other athletics at Welch, email Coach Fawbush at

Welch President Matt Pinson Requests Prayer for Employee Testing Positive for COVID-19

Welch College officials learned this afternoon that Welch Men’s Resident Director Russell Houske received notice of a positive COVID-19 test earlier today, according to President Matt Pinson. Houske’s test followed exposure during his duties as an EMT on or about March 16 to a non-college-related individual who later tested positive for COVID-19.

Houske continues to exhibit no symptoms but is rigidly following all CDC and Tennessee Department of Health recommendations, including the required 14-day period of self-quarantine, which both he and his family will observe in their campus apartment.

Upon receiving the test result today, Houske immediately notified college officials. He also notified family members and other individuals who were in recent close contact. Presently, none of the notified individuals has symptoms, and there are no other reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the College community.

Welch students, faculty, and staff left the campus for spring break beginning on March 11, and the campus has remained closed for business since that time. At that time, there were no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Sumner County. Students, faculty, and staff were to return from spring break on March 23. However, following “Safer at Home” orders from Governor Bill Lee and Sumner County Executive Anthony Holt, College officials elected to cancel campus for the rest of the semester, with all courses now being taught online. The campus is closed until further notice, and faculty and staff are working remotely.

Nine students with hardships were permitted to remain in the residence halls. One of the three male students in the men’s residence hall has been appointed as resident assistant, and Dr. Jon Forlines, Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students, has assumed resident director duties during Houske’s self-quarantine. All these students and most of their parents were informed via video conference Wednesday night about the details of the quarantine, as well as the safety precautions the college has put in place for them.

The College’s facilities contractor initiated a special antiviral cleaning protocol before learning of the positive test. This “deep cleaning” of campus facilities continues in preparation for the yet-to-be announced reopening of the campus.

College President Matt Pinson asked that all in the college community pray for Houske and his family during the self-quarantine period. Pinson said, “I’m calling on the whole extended family of Welch College to pray for Russell and his family during this time. Neither he nor his family have any symptoms. Russell is a meticulous healthcare professional who’s taking every precaution and understands what ‘quarantine’ means. Let’s all be in prayer for this dear family who love our students so much and have invested their lives in their spiritual and personal development.”

Additional updates will be provided as warranted.

A Letter to Students from President and Mrs. Pinson

Dear Students,

This is a time of mixed emotions for the Welch College family. Combined with the changes and difficulties the Coronavirus is bringing to our daily lives, and the suffering wrought by it, we see all around us people who are responding with wisdom and hard work and the love of Christ.

We have seen this in our Welch College family and its students, faculty, and staff. We are especially thankful for all the outstanding work we have seen from our Welch Coronavirus Special Committee (co-chaired by Craig Mahler and Greg Fawbush), which got out ahead of this pandemic very early on, as well as our Provost Dr. Matthew McAffee.

We wish we didn’t have to write this email, because we so miss you being on campus. Yet, like so many other colleges and universities, our college leadership has concluded that it will be necessary to finish the spring semester remotely. This online format will include the taking of exams, and the ending date for the semester will be the same as it originally was.

As we said to you in a previous email, our faculty is already skilled at teaching remotely/online. Unlike most college faculties, they have the advantage of having already done this two years ago, when the opening of our newly constructed campus was delayed by several weeks.

Sadly, we will not be able to have commencement ceremonies on the regularly scheduled date in May. We are considering our options for a ceremony later in the year. We know how much of a blow this is to our seniors and their families, as it is to us, and will have everyone on campus as soon as possible to celebrate our graduates and the signal accomplishments for which they’ve worked so hard.

The Special Committee in concert with the Offices of the President and the Provost are developing plans for keeping in touch with you and for delivering online chapel content from the faculty. Like you, the sense of community at Welch is one of the things we love the most about the college. So a committee has been appointed to keep faculty and staff in touch with students, one-on-one, to give spiritual and emotional support over the coming weeks. We are also planning pro-rated credits for room and board. We will get you details on that as soon as we finalize them.

We know you have a lot of questions. The Office of the Provost and the Special Committee on Coronavirus will be communicating with you soon with more detail and answers to your questions. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email them to Continue to check your email for further updates from the college.

We want to remind you of God’s promise to you in life’s worst circumstances. We urge you to meditate prayerfully on this promise from Isaiah 41:

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

We also encourage you to observe the widely communicated guidelines on social distancing and stay safe. Use the technological means at your disposal to keep in touch with your fellow students, as well as faculty and staff, and to show Christ’s love to those in need. We’d even recommend that you call the people who love you, especially the elderly in your church, family, and neighborhood, to let them hear your voice. We know you’ll continue to join us in prayer for those affected by the Coronavirus.

We’ll never forget when we had “survived” the move from the old campus to the new one, having been separated from our students for all that time—Christmas break, followed by several weeks of online instruction with our faculty and staff working from home as campus construction was completed. When it came time for everyone to come back, a sign was hung out in front of the campus that said, “Welcome home!” The reunion was sweet. Please know that you are dear to us, and we are looking forward to seeing our wonderful Welch students back on this campus and saying, “Welcome home!”

In the meantime, let’s keep praying and being who the Spirit is leading us to be in Christ.

The Lord bless you and keep you.

Matt and Melinda Pinson


Welch Coronavirus Update from Provost Matthew McAffee

Dear Students,

As you all know, Welch College is temporarily moving all of its traditional courses to an online format, beginning March 25, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are currently planning to carry on with this modality until class sessions resume on April 8. This plan, however, is subject to change as the College administration monitors ongoing developments related to the Coronavirus.

Our faculty are currently making plans to convert all courses to online delivery. We will host an online orientation for faculty members on Monday, March 23. I have instructed all faculty members to reach out to you by the end of this week with any information you may need to know in preparation for you online classes to begin on March 25.

I would also like to draw your attention to a tool that we will use for video conferencing and class lectures. Many of your professors may utilize Google Hangouts. You can access this app in your Welch email account. Simply click on the Google apps icon in the top right hand corner of your screen [three rows of three dots]. Click the “Meet” app. That will then launch a new browser in your browser: It gives you the option of joining a meeting. Some of your professors may ask you to access lecture content through this app. The app is also available for download on your smartphone. Once you have downloaded “Google Meet” to your smartphone, simply sign in with your Welch College email and password. I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with this app prior to the start of classes on Wednesday, March 25.  (For more help and support for Google Hangouts, go to

Please remain vigilant in keeping up with all College communication that you receive. Each communication piece is intended to provide vital information for our college family as we respond to the ever-changing circumstances surrounding this Coronavirus. The Special Committee on the Coronavirus and college administrators are monitoring the situation daily and will update you as needed.

Also remember that classes resume March 25. Our move to online courses does not mean that Welch College is taking an extended vacation. It is extremely important for you to remain vigilant in pursuit of your education at Welch. This resolve is all the more imperative for our college family as we continue fulfilling our mission in this temporary season of online education.

As we approach March 25, I ask you to do the following things in preparation:

  1. Check your email daily for important communications from your professors and Welch College updates on the Coronavirus.
  2. Review all of your course syllabi for upcoming assignments and lecture topics.
  3. Familiarize yourself with Google Meet.
  4. Pray for the Special Committee on Coronavirus and College administrators as they monitor this global crisis and make important decisions daily.

We are thankful for the Lord’s guidance during these days of change and uncertainty. We are confident in the hope and security that is found in Christ alone. I pray that the Lord will bless you richly in the coming days as all of us weather the current storm.


Matthew McAffee

Welch College Update on the Coronavirus

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

As announced by Dr. Pinson on March 13, the college is adjusting its academic schedule as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. Rather than returning to campus on Monday, March 23, as planned, students will remain at home and conduct their courses online. Faculty will return to campus on March 23 for in-service training regarding remote teaching and learning. Courses will resume online on Wednesday, March 25.

At this juncture, on-campus classes and residence in residence halls (with limited hardship exceptions) will not resume until April 8. We realize, however, that this is subject to change, and we will keep you updated as changes are made.

The Special Committee compiled the following Frequently Asked Questions to update the campus community with important information related to the unprecedented event. Both the Special Committee and the Provost’s Office will issue updates as necessary; thus please monitor campus email. The Special Committee asks that all stakeholders direct questions to

The Special Committee appreciates patience as both the committee and the Provost’s Office continue to monitor this global phenomenon and plan for a successful transition to remote learning that both preserves academic quality and fosters community.

Special Committee on Coronavirus,

Members, in alphabetical order:
Matthew Steven Bracey
Greg Fawbush, Co-chair
Dr. Jon Forlines
Russell Houske
Dr. Greg Ketteman
Craig Mahler, Co-chair

See the following pages for Frequently Asked Questions. Please bear in mind that reviewing other announcements from Welch College regarding COVID-19 may be helpful. Those include:

February 19 (Initial statement from the Special Committee to review Coronavirus outbreak)
March 2 (Statement announcing Welch College’s intent not to sanction planned international trips)
March 7 (Letter to FORUM20 attendees)
March 10—including a list of important FAQs
March 12 (Statement from Dr. Pinson)
March 13 (Dr. Pinson’s statement announcing remote teaching and learning)



Are campus offices open?
Yes, though both faculty and many staff are out of the office currently for spring break and will return on or before March 23. Office hours remain 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Faculty report to campus on Monday, March 23 (see other FAQ and future Provost’s Office communiques for more information). Staff report as normal. Welch College will announce any adjustment to either office hours or employee work arrangements, when and if necessary.


When will students begin classes?
Spring break is extended by two days (i.e., from March 23 to March 25), and students begin remote learning on Wednesday, March 25. At this juncture, on-campus courses and residence in residence halls will not resume until April 8; however, that is subject to change. Welch College is offering limited hardship exceptions for living in residence halls. See FAQs below.

What does remote/online learning mean for students?
While both the Provost’s Office and/or faculty will communicate specific details soon, generally, remote/online learning utilizes Populi and/or other technology to provide lectures, class discussion, assignments, etc. Though a number of technological resources are available, both the format and technology used is by discretion of the Provost and/or faculty and may look different by class or faculty member. However, both the Special Committee and the Provost have emphasized the importance of maintaining the same academic quality to which Welch College students are accustomed. The Special Committee will find ways to support the Provost’s Office, faculty, and students during the online experience and is confident in the college’s quality faculty and capable students.

Are residence halls open?
Residence halls are closed and, therefore, unavailable for living, with limited hardship exceptions. However, if students need to visit the residence hall to gather only their belongings, they should contact their Resident Director to make arrangements.

How do I request a hardship exception for living on campus?
Complete the form linked here. Hardship exceptions are limited and considered only on a case-by-case basis by the Special Committee, which will respond to requests as soon as feasible.

What does remote learning mean for graduate students?
Graduate students will receive important details regarding their courses from either the Provost’s Office and/or the respective Program Coordinator/Dean.

Will library services be available to students during the remote learning experience?
Though we are still finalizing the details, we expect that library services—especially electronic resources—will be available to students. More information is forthcoming from the Provost’s Office and/or Mrs. Thornsbury.

What is the status of commencement? See the FAQ in the EVENTS section below.


Does the college continue to discourage international travel?
Yes. As reported previously, any faculty, staff, or student who travels internationally is subject to a fourteen day quarantine prior to returning to Welch College to complete the spring semester.


If an employee has a hardship, can he or she request to work from home?
Yes; the request will be reviewed. Requests from faculty may be submitted to Dr. McAffee, while requests for staff may be submitted to Mr. Mahler.

Will training be available for faculty?
Yes. All regular faculty report to campus on Monday, beginning at 10:00 a.m., for orientation. Training (corporately and individually) and class preparation continue Monday and Tuesday, March 23–24. Remote teaching and learning begins on Wednesday, March 25.

Though the Special Committee will share important updates to faculty (due to their being employees), the Provost’s Office will communicate specific academic-related details moving forward. Faculty, please direct all academic-related questions to the Provost’s Office.

Where can employees find important information regarding sick time and other employee benefits?
Please see the Business Office, which is currently compiling an Employee Resource Guide with this and other related information. NOTE: Though we understand that this transition to remote learning will be an especially busy time, any employee who is ill should seek appropriate medical treatment and remain home until well PRIOR to returning to the office. 

Are employees allowed to travel for college purposes?
Employee travel for college purposes is suspended until at least March 31, and the Special Committee will review it at that time.


What is the status of upcoming events? (This list is fluid, which the Special Committee will update to include other events as necessary.)

  • With a Voice of Singing! Welch College Choir Tour: cancelled after March 13
  • Community Worship Service for Area College Students/March 28: cancelled
  • State of Sumner County; Hendersonville Chamber/April 7: TBD
  • Rejoice! Travel: postponed until students return to Welch
  • Spring Musical/April 15–18: postponed until later date due to inability for rehearsal
  • Welcome Days/April 16–18: TBD

Will commencement and related activities continue as planned?
Though we hope that commencement will occur on Friday, May 8, as originally planned, it is subject to change, depending on how the COVID-19 situation unfolds and impacts Welch College.


Dear Welch Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The fast-changing developments surrounding the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) have the members of our administration and our Special Committee on the Coronavirus conferring on an hourly basis. I am writing you to announce that we have elected to extend Welch’s spring break by two days and move all classes online beginning March 25.

Thus, rather than returning to campus on Monday, March 23, as planned, students will remain at home and conduct their courses online. Faculty will return to campus on March 23 for in-service training regarding remote teaching and learning. Courses will resume, online, on Wednesday, March 25.

We will keep you updated as to how long the period of online instruction will be. At this juncture, on-campus classes and residence in residence halls (with limited hardship exceptions) will not resume until April 8. We realize, however, that this is subject to change, and we will keep you updated as changes are made.

You will be receiving more detailed information from the Provost’s Office as well as from the Special Committee. Please check your email frequently. If you have any questions, please email them to

At this time I am reminded of something C. S. Lewis said in one of his letters: “God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain, but without stain.” Let us make the most of this tribulation, strengthening our faith in the God who holds us in the palm of His hand.


Matt Pinson